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我的拉锁开了。My zip has come undone.

我们的愚蠢把我们毁了。Our folly has undone us.

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我们知道可以“撤销”这个命令。We know it can be undone.

为什么你经常不打苍蝇?Why is your fly often undone?

覆水难收。What is done cannot be undone.

去链接,这钢印是做裤的啊…What is done can not be undone.

但在离开前请让我知道。But let me kown before come undone.

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我为你做的一切都白做了。All that I did for you has been undone.

我们的国家不会被恐怖行动毁掉。Our nation will not be undone by terror.

先例一开,便无法撤消。This precedent is set and cannot be undone.

但魔戒的魔力已经无法消除了。But the power of the Ring could not be undone.

做一件本来不需要立刻就做的事情。Do one thing that won’t immediately be undone.

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稍一犯错,就会造成无法弥补的损害。Yet one slip, and the damage cannot be undone.

莫拉诺很沮丧的下达了停止交易的命令。Frustrated, Mr. Marano ordered the trades undone.

你觉得断裂是因为东西松掉了吗?Q. Did the thing break or did it just come undone?

如果我们超过了,造成的损害不能轻易消除。If we overshoot, the damage can't be easily undone.

饭没来得及吃,作业没来得及做,觉也没有睡足。Food is left uneaten,homework undone and sleep is lost.

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生命自创于狂乱,破灭于厌倦中。Life creates itself in delirium and is undone in ennui.

饭不吃了,家庭作业不做了,觉也不睡了。Food is left uneaten, homework undone and sleep is lost.

如果没有帮助,可以通过删除索引来轻松恢复。If not, they can be easily undone by removing the index.