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有趣的是,他没有向我说明他的立场。Amusingly , he did not explain his position to me.

有趣不过,错过这两个目标的企图。Amusingly though, it misses both of the attempted targets.

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这位女演员忘了台词,但她那即兴演出非常逗笑。The actress forgot her lines but ad-libbed very amusingly.

对话不仅是稀疏,但可笑的正式和尴尬。The dialogue is not only sparse, but amusingly formal and awkward.

我让你们,不代表我就是白吃,让你们耍好玩的!I let you, does not represent me to eat without paying, lets you play amusingly !

但那其中的粗俗普通却真实地揭示了一个既矛盾又有趣的人物。But their truculent honesty makes for a paradoxical and amusingly human revelation.

可笑的是,近一年来,很多人都表示,金砖四国已是明日黄花。Amusingly , in the past year many people have suggested that the Brics story is over.

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她没再说有关吃的事,而是愉快地聊了起来,而且感染着她的客人也愉快地聊了起来。She said no more about food, but talked amusingly and made her visitor talk amusingly too.

主角阿波是个有趣、讨人喜欢的人物。The lead character, Po, is an amusingly sympathetic figure who proves himself above mockery.

弗兰克威廉姆斯爵士,与此同时,有趣回答托利愤怒的扩散事件。Sir Frank Williams, meanwhile, amusingly responded to Briatore's anger about the diffuser affair.

有意思的是,这两块土地的领导人都是喜爱卖弄个人魅力的外国移民,都有一个迷人的老婆,都被选上台以改变现状。Amusingly , both states are led by bling-bling immigrants married to glamorous women and elected to shake up the status quo.

r的批评就像是奥威尔式的幽默,他们就像聚集在麦迪逊大道的拥挤人群,这些人声称聚会是声援突尼斯为了民主而进行的斗争。Walker’s critics are amusingly Orwellian. They liken the crowd in Madison to the ones in Tunisia and claim to be fighting for democracy.

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况且,最有趣的是这些邪恶终将自我残杀,这对我来说真的很方便。Anyway, one of the amusingly convenient things about evil and destruction is that they tend to just evilly destruct each other eventually.

在与记者的简短交谈中,他表示,当时萌生偷车念头时,只是觉得好玩。With in reporter's brief conversation, he indicated that at that time sprouted steals time the vehicle thought that was only thinks amusingly.

从某种程度上,Guillory可笑地削弱了他自己的预言,如果你想读的话,这在1477页7,右栏上部分。In some ways Guillory amusingly undermines his own prophecy, which by the way is on page 1477 in the upper right-hand column if you care to read it.

可是那些印在纸上的字儿读起来就是那么有味儿,这只能怪三表写得太有趣了。Yet reading those words after having been put on paper, they really do have flavor. This can only be Three Watches' fault for writing too amusingly.

因此,虽然本次参加讨论的嘉宾有一点“餐饮倾向”,但我相信,他们都可以讲和餐饮没有关系的很有趣的事情。So although there is a bit of a food bent there, I'm sure that both of them will be able to talk about things that are non-culinary ─ and very amusingly.