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一种可能的万能药?A possible panacea?

当然它并非灵丹妙药。It isn’t a panacea.

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爷爷说那是一种万灵药。Grandpapa says it is a panacea.

降低零售价并非万全之计。Lowering retail prices is no panacea.

政府却喜欢把CCT当做万灵药。Governments tend to treat CCTs as a panacea.

无任何药物和手术可作为治疗疼痛的万应药。No drug or operation is a panacea for all pain.

如此是否说明varenicline会成为一种治疗瘾症的新型万灵药?So could varenicline be a new anti-addiction panacea?

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夏季皮炎治疗的灵丹妙药是啥?。Is the panacea that summertime dermatitis treats what?

但取笑厨房里的灵丹妙药一直发展缓慢。But teasing out the culinary panacea has been slow going.

政府资助可能也是一剂灵丹妙药。Yet another potential panacea lies in government funding.

作为一个新婚者,我不认为这是一个万灵药。As a late convert to marriage, I don’t think it is a panacea.

能否找到一个妙方,使新加坡人的行为优雅起来?Can a panacea be found to improve Singaporeans' social graces?

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这是他们的粮食,这是他们的良药,是他们抵御一切不幸的万金油。It is their food, their medicine, their panacea for all evils.

他们认为信贷扩张是所有经济弊病的灵丹妙药。With them credit expansion is the panacea for all economic ills.

本品系纯中药制品,实为治高血压之灵丹妙药。This is a pure Chinese medicine, a true panacea against hypertension.

很多年来,氢一直被视为解决环境问题的灵丹妙药。For many years, it was presented as a panacea to environmental problems.

在这种情况下,“酒店式管理”是一种灵丹妙药海口房地产?In that case, "hotel-style management" is a panacea for Haikou real estate?

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这本书对于抵抗力量的分析中并没有有提供一个万全对策。The book's analysis of these countervailing forces does not offer a panacea.

事情一目了然,即使他们利用自己的资源也不会提供一剂灵丹妙药。And it's pretty clear, even from their own sources, that it is not a panacea.

这是解决经济危机和英国汽车市场面临问题的灵丹妙药吗?Is it the panacea solution to the economic crisis and the car market in the U.K.?