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我们称之为“向心加速度We call it "centripetal acceleration."

这就是向心加速度This is called the centripetal acceleration.

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狗一抖动,向心力就使水脱身而出。When the dog shakes, centripetal forces pull the water away.

这样我们,就能求出向心加速度。And we can calculate now what the centripetal acceleration is.

但这里却没有力,能提供向心加速度。But there is nothing to provide that centripetal acceleration.

在此注意,向心加速度与r是成正比的。Notice that the acceleration, the centripetal acceleration is linear in r.

因而需要一定的向心加速度,才能绕着圆周旋转。And so you need a certain centripetal acceleration to go around in that curve.

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这个向心加速度,对这个物体达到点,来说是必须的。And that centripetal acceleration D is a must for this object to reach that point D.

今天随向心力俱乐部去了一个世外桃源,我看到了一个最美的天堂。Today, with the centripetal force of the club to a paradise, I see a beautiful paradise.

,若最上端,向心加速度为,那么这个就是。if the centripetal acceleration 10 when it goes through the top is 10, 0 then this is zero.

若向心加速度0,则此时绳子会绷紧。If the centripetal acceleration is larger than 10 then, of course, the string will be tight.

期望效应具有暗示性、层次性、向心性、情感性。The expectancy effect has characteristics of suggestibility, level, centripetal and emotion.

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则现在,必然等于m乘以向心加速度,嘿,看起来太眼熟了。So what I get now is must be m times the centripetal acceleration Hey! That looks very familiar.

小球受到绳子的拉力,这就是向心加速度的来源。This ball is feeling a pull from the string and that provides it with the centripetal acceleration.

汶川地震没有摧垮我们,却使中国人的自豪感、向心力迅速提升。Wenchuan earthquake, we have not destroyed, while China's pride, and the centripetal force rapidly.

所以,要让水从皮毛弹出,向心力必须超过表面张力。So for the water to be ejected from the fur, the centripetal force has to exceed the surface tension.

标识以线的围攻,表现出强烈的向心力和视觉冲击力,简洁。明快。Logo sieged by lines expresses forceful centripetal force and strong visual impact. Brief and concise!

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如果此时,我想让你转得更快,即v更大,那么向心加速度也会随之增大。Now I'm going to swing you faster, so the v will go up and so the centripetal acceleration will go up.

试管的内壁和液体正朝这个方向,推动微粒,并提供向心加速度。The side of the glass and the liquid is pushing in this direction to provide this centripetal acceleration.

前提要求就是,具有向心加速度,朝这个方向,向心力的作用。There is a requirement that there is a centripetal acceleration, which is in this direction, a centripetal.