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我能租个划艇吗?Can I hire a rowing boat?

我参加了赛艇和划船活动。I took up coxing and rowing.

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划船能够锻鍊臂力。Rowing builds up arm muscles.

他们正在划龙舟。They're rowing a dragon boat.

他们正在向下游划去。They are rowing down the river.

在加州,赛艇是很重要的赛事吗?Is rowing a big deal in California?

我们逆水划船。We were rowing against the current.

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碧潭情人吊桥,踩船,散步。Bitan Drawbridge, Rowing Boat, Walking.

能跟我们说说你们的赛艇队吗?Can you tell us about your rowing team?

划艇也是一项竞技性比赛。Rowing is also a kind of competitive game.

我们的赛艇队,我们有一个大学代表队。Our rowing team, we have a varsity program.

划龙舟时每个人都拿著一枝桨。In dragon boat rowing each person has one oar.

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他们开始划向港湾的入口处。They began rowing towards the harbour's mouth.

不妨试试这个折叠式划船机。Why don't you try this foldaway rowing machine?

划动的四肢,加上一颗楔子般用来平衡的脑袋。Four rowing limbs, and one wedge-balancing head.

我们整个下午都在湖上划船。We spent the whole afternoon rowing on the lake.

我呢,则是每天都在河上进行赛艇训练。For me, it's crew, rowing on the river every day.

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关于赛艇队就是这样。and I think that's about it, for the rowing team.

我们在湖上划了一整天的船,划得精疲力尽。Rowing on the lake all day long, we were rowed out.

我们停止划桨,让小船顺风漂动。We stopped rowing and let the boat sail down the wind.