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洗手间有些污秽。The washrooms were a squalid mess.

这出拙劣的悲剧在这里一直演到终场。Here the squalid tragedy was played out.

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在这种肮脏的条件下,人们并不能真正地生活。People do not really live in such squalid conditions.

随处可见破烂的住房、肮脏的庭院和臭气熏天的小胡同。Here were crumbling tenement, squalid courtyards and stinking alleys.

相亲网站多半有要么丑恶要么像连锁商店一样的格调。Dating sites have for the most part always had either a squalid or a chain-store ambience.

在本世纪中期,Saffron山是一个肮脏的贫民窟,满是靠救济的人和小偷。In the middle of the century Saffron Hill was a squalid slum overrun by paupers and thieves.

一些矿区的工人就住在毫无遮蔽的公司宿舍里,还有些人在镇上租破房子住。Some workers at the mine live in bleak company housing. Others rent squalid rooms in the town.

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除此之外,安置营地拥挤不堪,肮脏邋遢,简直就是传染病迅速传播的绝好温床。It says contagious diseases such as measles can spread like wildfire in the overcrowded, squalid resettlement camps.

幸运的是,你可以从肮脏的小队鼠洞撤出并投入到题目贴切的“舍命攻击”。Fortunately we can back out of these squalid squad-based rat tunnels and move on to the aptly titled Die Hard Attack.

那是一片陡峭的山坡,密密麻麻扎满脏兮兮的竹屋,屋顶上铺的是棕榈叶子,可真够穷的。It was a very poor quarter, a labyrinth of squalid bamboo huts, thatched with palmleaf, winding all over a steep hillside.

我会第一个站住来,谴责商贩他们为卑鄙影响的宣扬者,爱管闲事的无耻之徒,在发着抖地不民主骗子。I'd be first in line to denounce them as squalid influence peddlers, shamelessly meddlesome, shiveringly undemocratic tricksters.

这个奖项告诉奥巴马,不论是加沙城污秽悲惨的街道还是阿富汗南部血腥之地,这个世界需要他真的做点什么了。From the squalid streets of Gaza city to the blood-soaked fields of southern Afghanistan, it is a call the world needs him to heed.

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从山顶上鸟览整个加拉加斯,大量的人口仍然聚集在肮脏的住房条件之下的聚居区中。The mass of the population in Caracas remain trapped in squalid housing conditions in the 'barrios' on hill tops overlooking the city.

在“美丽海滩”的对面,一些矿区的工人就住在毫无遮蔽的公司宿舍里,还有些人在镇上租破房子住。On the other side of Marcona from Playa Hermosa, some workers at the mine live in bleak company housing. Others rent squalid rooms in the town.

但伦敦边境和小村庄仍是一派杂乱贫穷,街道拥挤不堪,疾病肆虐,而富人却能毫发无损地在他们的豪宅里享受。But the courtyards and alleys of London remained squalid with poverty, overcrowding and disease, and the rich in their great houses were unshaken.

它具有神奇的能力但却从未具体表现出来,但是在最后“长江七号”帮助周先生与迪克拯救了他们肮脏的生活。It possesses magical abilities that are never exactly specified, but eventually CJ7 helps Chow and Dicky find a bit of redemption in their squalid lives.

张口就是污言秽语,这着实污染了校内的环境。这些难以入耳的脏话使得本来充满学术氛围的安静校园变成粗人聚集的低档社区。Obscenities are oral pollution. The filthy words turn the campus environment from a peaceful well-educated one into squalid neighborhood of rude residents.

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最明显的是,在城市环境中,贫穷和肮脏生活条件的健康后果具有传染性,对所有城市居民都有害处。Most obviously, the health consequences of poverty and squalid living conditions are contagious in a city setting. They are detrimental to all city dwellers.

一个就叫做Location的地区是几个我在南太平洋见过最脏乱的贫民窟之一,用混凝土建的贫民窟,尽是破损的窗户、流浪狗和墙上的涂鸦。An area known as Location is one of the most squalid slums I have come across in the South Pacific, a concrete ghetto of smashed windows, stray dogs and graffiti.

作为印度的金融中心--孟买国际机场却建在一个脏乱的贫民窟旁,就这点来说,孟买永远也无法和上海、新加坡和东京等都市相提并论。But having a squalid slum abutting an international airport doesn't exactly put India's financial capital on the path to joining the ranks of Shanghai, Singapore, and Tokyo.