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与贵方的竞争对手相比,你们所报价格一点也不占优势。Your price compare unfavorably with your competitor's.

从来不对孩子说,他比别的孩子差。I never compare my child unfavorably to other children.

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他总是吹牛,因此他给我一个不太好的印象。He always talks big, so he give me a unfavorably impressed.

但非加州夫妇可能回家断然不利的法律景观。But non-California couples may return home to decidedly unfavorably legal landscapes.

这些词共同的中心意思是。不利或有害地影响。The central meaning shared by these verbs is . to influence unfavorably or detrimentally.

大厅里面贴满了海报,拿奥巴马和乔治布什做比较,这对奥巴马来说是不利的。The halls are decorated with posters comparing Mr. Obama unfavorably with George W. Bush.

例如,假如小的存货余额反映了一个公司清偿能力的不足,那它就可能被判定为重要项目。For example, a very low inventory figure may be judged to be material if it reflects unfavorably on a firm's liquidity.

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这与可以在几个小时内便可将2000架战机送上天空的中国相比当然处于劣势。That compares unfavorably with the 2,000 fighter planes that China would be able to send into the skies in a matter of hours.

轮胎气压不足将对汽车的安全性、经济性产生不利影响。When tyre atmospheric pressure lacks it will gives rise to unfavorably the influence on safety and economic nature of auto-mobile.

这些专家似乎失去了公众的信任,人们怀疑他们误导了公众的方向,并提供了不真实的信息。Theseexperts seem to lose the public's trust, for they are suspected to unfavorably direct the publicand provide wrong information.

我并没有很不利地将克里斯。保罗与威廉姆斯相比,就像我不会贬低卡洛斯。布泽尔,说他比不上卡尔。马龙。I don't compare unfavorably to Chris Paul as a diss on Williams, just as I wouldn't be demeaning Carlos Boozer to say he's no Karl Malone.

委员会的委员们可投票决定对一项提名提出赞成、不赞成或不予推荐的报告。Committee members can vote to report a nomination favorably, report a nomination unfavorably or report a nomination without recommendation.

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其他研究显示,圣约翰草可以与其他药物发生不良反应,包括用于控制HIV感染的药物。Other research has shown that St. John's wort can interact unfavorably with other medications, including those used to control HIV infection.

压敏效应对含水平裂缝的低渗透油藏开发具有重要影响。A pressure-sensitive effect affects unfavorably the production performance of fractured low-permeability reservoirs with horizontal fractures.

大厅里面贴满了海报,拿奥巴马和乔治布什做比较,这对奥巴马来说是不利的。The halls are decorated with posters comparing Mr. Obama unfavorably with George W. Bush. On Wednesday, Archbishop Desmond Tutu criticized Mr.

他表示,新闻媒体想把周五的到场人数和周六华盛顿举行的巨大反特朗普抗议进行比较,营造反差效果。He suggested that the news media wanted to compare the turnout on Friday unfavorably with the huge anti-Trump protest in Washington on Saturday.

然而其也存在具有间断性、需中断交通、重复花费大量的人力、物力、财力等缺点。However, this kind of inspection unfavorably features discontinuity, interrupting traffic, and repetitious cost on human and material resources.

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究其原因,是因为人们对个案研究法不了解,或担心它的局限性会影响其他研究人员对自己研究的评价。The reason is that our researchers know very little about the case study research method or worry that other researchers will comment unfavorably on the research.

科尔将药物和最近撤回的西布曲明对体重的微量减轻和心血管风险的升高作出令人不快的比对。Kaul unfavorably compared the drug's combination of puny weight loss and heightened cardiovascular risks to the profile for Meridia, recently taken off the market.

中国的一些官员出行喜欢有很多的随从跟随,前呼后拥,这是事实,但这恰好给了很多评论家机会把这些不受人们待见的官员与骆家辉来进行比较。It is true that some Chinese officials like to have many attendants crowding round them, which gives some commentators the chance to compare them unfavorably to people such as Locke.