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你是一个食物储藏者吗?Are you a food preserver?

救生衣使他保持浮在水面直到小船来救他。The life preserver kept him up until the boat came.

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那好吧,我去拿救生圈。你要保证我没事。Alright, I'll go and take my life preserver. Promise me nothing bad will happen.

想想,娶了莫吉安娜你就娶了我们家庭和你自己的保护者。Consider, that by marrying Morgiana you marry the preserver of my family and your own

正是那些看上去像救命草一样的东西,结果成为了锚把她拉入了贫困的深渊。But what looked at first like a life preserver turned out to be an anchor, pulling her deeper into poverty.

但是,通过法律和命令,他同时是稀缺公共资源的管家和公共资产的保护人。But it is also the steward of scarce public resources and the preserver of public goods such as law and order.

2004年,张显和曹重光研究了域上的对称矩阵空间的保行列式的加法映射。In 2004, Zhang Xian and Cao Chongguang studied the preserver determinant on symmetric matrix spaces over the field.

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对底特律的中下阶级市民来说,他们每天都必须面对生存下去的残酷现实,而他们发泄情绪最好的方法就是透过饶舌歌。Survival is key in the harsh lower depths of Detroit, and for many the current emotional life preserver is hip hop.

理想而言,你可能想在服用镇定剂之前做这些—在你处于“暴风中心“时,它会充当救生工具。Ideally, you’ll want to do this before you’re in a downer — it serves as a life preserver when you’re in the “eye of the storm”.

广西泥炭资源丰富,就地取材利用泥炭腐植酸,将是保护广西的土壤资源、实现可持续发展的有效措施。To preserver the soil resources and to realize sustainable development, a variety of turfs should be planted in Guangxi Province.

我的这篇专题论文论述了脚印跟踪问题,其中提到了使用熟石膏保存脚印的方法。Here is my monograph upon the tracing of footsteps, with some remarks upon the uses of plaster of Paris as a preserver of impresses.

神通过他的圣言做工,把信徒带入对他所有的教导意见一致的蒙福的属灵的团契并保守他们。A. Through His Word God works to bring and preserver His believers in a blessed spiritual fellowship, based on believing agreement in all He teaches.

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尽管这种广告比横幅广告赚的钱少,但在网络泡沫破灭的时候,这套系统成了我们的生命线。While these ads yielded small amounts of money compared to banner ads at the time, as the dot-com bubble burst, this system became our life preserver.

非营利组织是社会正义、道德的维护者与实践者,所以非营利组织被认为是不会做坏事的。Nonprofit organization is the preserver of social justice and morals, bust also the practicer. Nonprofit organization won't be regarded as law-breaker.

漂流在白水中需要游泳时,一件贴身合适的背心式救生工具可以给你的背部及肩部提供很好的保护,以及令你安全。Wear a life jacket. a snugly-fitting vest-type life preserver offers back and shoulder protection as well as the flotation needed to swim safely in whitewater.

职业戏班是民间戏曲艺术保存者,戏班演出兴盛,呈现明代戏曲繁荣之景。Theatrical Troupes are Folk art preserver of Chinese Drama. Prosperity of the Theatrical Troupes prove the prosperous phenomenon of the Chinese drama of Ming Dynasty.

于彭变化丰富的热情,共鸣着他岛屿故乡的复杂文化历史,既保存了中国文化传统,同时也是复杂殖民历史的产品。Yu's varied passions echo the complex cultural history of his island homeland, simultaneously the preserver of Chinese traditions and the product of a complex colonial history.

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我们将自己投身到了竞争激烈的大海中,却看不到救生艇,让我们的工人们面对全球竞争的残酷,却没有给他们任何自己人的怜悯。We've thrown ourselves into cutthroat waters without a life preserver in sight, exposing our workers to the harsh mercy of global competition without showing them any mercy of our own.