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将当前的事业作为走向下一个成功的跳板。Use your current job as a springboard to later success.

那不勒斯将会是卡瓦尼的重点,而非跳板。Napoli is an end point and not a springboard for Cavani.

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然而,曙光只是使用这种技术作为跳板。However, Dawning is using that technology as a springboard.

她的遗憾并没有让她退在一旁,反倒成为了另一个跳板。Instead of sidelining her, regret became just one more springboard.

眼下这间公司只是一个跳板,一个短训班。The present company is just a springboard and a temporary training class.

从跳台或跳板上起跳,进入深小池。Launching your body from a platform or springboard into a deep pool of water.

也有人说是沽名钓誉,干不长时间就转向政治跳板。Some say the fish for fame, not long dry on the steering political springboard.

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这次所进的百合不错,基本都是含苞欲放的花骨朵,并且叶肥茎粗花苞也大。The Lily of the Springboard good, basic , and also leaves big fat bud diameter.

跳水运动员要从高台跳水板或跳板上腾空跳起。The diver should project himself into the air from a high-board or springboard.

例如,男子跳板项目有5个规定动作,6个自选动作。For example, the men's springboard consist of 5 required dives and 6 optional dives.

利用气候变化作为一个跳板,在和你的商业团队讨论新想法时提出来。Use Climate Change as a springboard for a workshop on new ideas with your business team.

当然,国际象棋程序也是进入一个更为刺激的领域,围棋程序的跳板。Chess programming, of course, is also a springboard into the exciting field of Go programming.

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专家建议在找到其他工作之前可以将在国外教英语作为一个跳板。Experts recommend teaching English as a foreign language overseas as a springboard to other jobs.

另一些投稿人以电影作为出发点来讨论他们原创的哲学观点。Other contributors use the film as a springboard for discussing their own original philosophical views.

男、女跳板跳水分别于1908年和1920年被列为奥运会比赛项目。Male, the female springboard diving separately and in 1920 is listed as the Olympic Games event in 1908.

在8月17日,郭晶晶将会在单人3米板的比赛中捍卫她的第二枚金牌。On August 17th, Guo will defend her second Olympic gold, this time in the individual 3m springboard event.

他以此为出发点探索常为文献付阙的少数民族对该国历史的贡献。He uses it as a springboard to debate the often unwritten contribution of minorities to the national story.

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亚伯拉罕说,倘若自己能在循环赛中胜出,希望以此为跳板,在美国上演更大的比赛。And when he wins the competition, he says, he hopes it will be a springboard to more big fights in the U. S.

我开化验单为他们做几项检查,用他们存在的问题说服他们关注个人的全身健康状况。I may order a few tests, use their problems as a springboard to get them to focus on their health in general.

我们知道你们将和阿加森一起到来,你们将一起创造出通往银河大家庭的跳板。We know that you are to come together with the Agarthans to form. the springboard for what you are to create.