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背景与承诺。Background and Commitment.

关掉背景音乐。Eliminate background music.

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我是一个金融家出身。My background is as a financier.

桌面背景图是可以恢复的。Background images can be returned.

让我来简单介绍一些背景。Let me give some brief background.

量身定做一个桌面背景。Create a custom desktop background.

他抹去了背景噪音。He dubbed out the background noise.

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正在进行后台奇偶校验。Background parity check in progress.

只是不再重要。It just recedes into the background.

当时,我没有任何人力资源背景。At that time, I had no HR background.

这些是正直的我后台作业烦恼!These were just my background worries!

它们将成为完美的背景音乐。They become pleasant background music.

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选择你想要的桌面背景图片。Choose a background picture you’d like.

三精制药具有深厚文化底蕴。Sanjing has profound culture background.

服务端在后台运行。The server is running in the background.

落后的须眉缺少玄色配景。the backward man lacks black background.

奇艺的龚宇也有着相似的背景。At Qiyi, Mr Gong's background is similar.

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取词窗口背景色设置。Floating window background color setting.

带有背景页面的多页面文档窗口Multipage documents with background pages

底纹是淡蓝色的中国花鸟画。The background is pale blue with Chinese.