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几个结论看来不可避免。Several conclusions seemed inescapable.

那才是这个问题不可避免的底线。That’s the inescapable bottom line of it.

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你住在一个逃不掉的幻觉中。You're living in an inescapable illusion.

这样微妙的并列是不可避免的。The not-so-subtle juxtaposition is inescapable.

“这种逻辑是合情合理的,”法官卡察里斯写道。“That logic is inescapable here,” Judge Cacheris wrote.

邪恶的言论,如同正当的理由一样,是不可避免的。Vile speech, justified on the same ground, is inescapable.

从某个角度来说,这是一种不可避免的商业周期。In some ways that is the inescapable reality of the business cycle.

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你们看因果报应何等不爽。This is an example of karmic retribution and how inescapable it is.

艾蒙看着暗影就像无法阻挡的潮水一样飘过平原。Armon watched the shadow advance, moving across the plain like an inescapable tide.

不可避免的,发展又与环保站在了对立面上。The inescapable fact is that development and environmentalism are mutually opposed.

公安机关作为维护稳定的主力军,积极预防、妥善处置群体性事件,责无旁贷。To handle appropriately group event is an inescapable duty of public security organs.

那么是什么使得战争成为我们人类经历中那不可避免的一部分呢?What is it, then, that has made war such an inescapable part of the human experience?

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病毒的存在是无法逃避的现实,对此我们只能泰然处之,就像我们与地震、海啸共处一样。This is an inescapable reality we just have to live with, like earthquakes and tsunamis.

碳除了是构件生命的重要元素外,他还是一种必不可缺少的工业原料。Beyond making up the bricks of life, carbon is virtually inescapable in industry as well.

无神论者和不可知论者憎恶现实,但是近来宗教已成为政治生活无可逃遁的一部分。Atheists and agnostics hate the fact, but these days religion is an inescapable part of politics.

作为国家机器的重要组成部分,军队在承担国家责任中处于义不容辞的角色。As a important part of the state machinery, military is inescapable to shoulder the responsibility.

地铁交通的几个难以逃避的现实使得醉酒搭地铁完全变成一场可怕的经历。Several inescapable realities of subway travel make it an absolutely dreadful experience while drunk.

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对于我们,失败主义是罪恶,争取抗日胜利是责无旁贷的。For us defeatism is a crime and to strive for victory in the War of Resistance is an inescapable duty.

民法作为私权利的基本法其在未成年人保护方面有着不可推卸的责任。Civil law as a basic law of private rights has an inescapable responsibility on the protection of minors.

我认为,将悲伤看作生命中无处不在、不可避免的一部分,是件好事。I think there are advantages to viewing grief as omnipresent, an inescapable part of being a human being.