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对于大规模杀伤流浪动物的行为,我还是不赞同的。To the cosmically behavior to kill the stray animals, I do not agree.

但这些探索模式或被淘汰,或无法大规模推广。But all these reform modes were washed out or could not be extended cosmically.

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大连市是全国水源热泵规模化应用示范城市。Dalian is the model city of water-source heat pump cosmically application in china.

我们应该寻找一种新算法降低时间复杂度和空间复杂度,以使LSA方法能够更好的应用于大规模的文本处理。We should seek a new computation to reduce the complexity so as to apply LSA to cosmically context processing.

据我所知,泛亚龙腾纸业正在大规模招聘人才,那么您觉得企业应如何吸引人才,留住人才呢?As far as I know, HPLC is recruiting employees cosmically . How would you think a company to attract people and keep them?

三维地形场景的真实感绘制常被应用于一些大规模综合分布仿真系统中。The Realistic rendering of the 3D terrain scene always is used in some Cosmically Synthetic Distributed Simulation System.

你的一部分一直在从你的高我或灵性层面获得灵感,你能知道和感觉到在你身上发生的一切的意义。A part of you is always cosmically inspired and from the level of your higher self or soul, you know and feel the meaning of all that happens to you.

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最初的计划者知道,大规模的宇宙演说,这是默许他们进行的一个课程,为了理解众神创造者他们创立的计划。The Original Planners knew that, cosmically speaking, this was a lesson for them in allowing, in understanding the creator gods who took their project.

本文概述国内外药用植物细胞的选育和大规模培养技术研究中已取得的进展,并提出了目前存在的问题和今后研究的发展方向。In the present paper the technology of officinal plant cell breeding and cosmically culture was reviewed the question and future work were also included.

本试验综合采用超滤法、缓冲盐法、流加碱中和法、离心法浓缩菌体,优选工艺路线,为规模化生产奠定基础。This thesis introduce ultra-filtration, buffer salt, flowing-alkaline, centrifugal, optimize the techniques course and settle the basis of cosmically manufacture.

节段梁施工技术在国内正逐步兴起,广州地铁将节段梁施工技术首次大规模应用于城市轨道交通区间高架桥,已经取得了初步阶段性成果。Now, the segment girders are used more and more. Guangzhou metro first use the segment girder technology cosmically in urban railway traffic, obtain primary fruit.

农村剩余劳动力大规模向城镇和非农产业转移是我国社会转型时期的一个重要特征。In the present stage, it is a very important feature that the surplus labor forces of off-farm workers were cosmically transferring to town and non-agricultural sectors.

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针对如此大规模的机遇与挑战,对国内网上书店的发展状况有一个全面而科学的分析已是迫在眉睫之事。Aim at such cosmically opportunity and challenge, full-scale and scientific analytical study about online bookstore's development in our country is the most urgent situation.

通过与传统发酵法作比较,探索两种酢辣椒中微生物数量的变化关系,为酢辣椒的大规模工业自动化生产提供理论参考。Compared with traditional ferment methods, the change of the amount of microorganism provides the theoretic basis to develop cosmically industrialized autoimmunization produce.

人工神经网络自发展以来,因其大规模并行性、高容错能力以及自适应、自学习、自组织等特征,具有广泛的应用前景。Neural networks have a broad application because of its characteristic such as cosmically parallelism, high fault-tolerance and self-adaptation, self-learning, self-organization.

针对如此大规模的机遇与挑战,对国内网络书店的发展状况有一个全面而科学的分析已是迫在眉睫之事。Aim at such cosmically opportunity and challenge, full-scale and scientific analytical study about online bookstore's the state of art in our country is the most urgent situation.

“八五”和“九五”期间,我国对中小学校长进行了大规模培训,建立了较为正规的培训课程,但同时,在课程内容上还存在一些问题。Our country have trained schoolmaster cosmically during the "eighth-five" and "ninth-five", and established normal system of training-curriculum, but there also have many problems.

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我国经历过SARS病毒大规模爆发的阵痛,目前又面临着禽流感病毒蔓延的危机,公共健康受到严重的威胁。At the present time the public health of our country has been seriously threatened after our country suffered cosmically foudroyant throe of the SARS, faced spreading of birds-flu virus.

自制合成的烷基苯磺酸钙纯度较高,比市售的产品具有更好的乳化性能,而且合成方法工艺简单,设备投资少,能耗小,成本低,完全适用于大规模工业化生产。Its synthesis technology was simple and the equipment investment was little with little energy consumption and low cost, so it was completely suitable to use in cosmically industrial production.

伴随着工业化、城市化的快速推进,农村剩余劳动力大规模向城市流动,这是各国工业化成长阶段面临的共同问题。Rural surplus labors flow into cities cosmically with the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization is one common issue faced by every country in the growing phase of industrialization.