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木栓或木钉。A wooden peg or pin.

木头梁或椽子语源。A wooden beam or rafter.

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一串木珠。A string of wooden beads.

木箱散了。The wooden box fell apart.

我们削成一匹木马。We whittled a wooden horse.

木桥能禁得住吗?Will the wooden bridge bear?

不要拿有印第安人肖像的木质钱币。Don't take any wooden Indians.

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勿那任何木制的的五分钱。Don't take any wooden nickels!

他喜欢用木制的勺子。He likes to use wooden spoons.

不可以,您必须使用木杆铅笔。No, you must use wooden pencil.

在真正的木纺车上。On real wooden spinning wheels.

把书装在木箱中。Pack the books in a wooden box.

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铺在新地板下部。Use under the new wooden floor.

他把木塔烧掉了。He burned down the wooden tower.

木制的沙滩小屋及进行阳光浴的人们。Wooden beach hut and sunbathers.

一块木板横跨于溪上。A wooden plank bridged the stream.

不远处的木制架子上晒的是肉干。The meat is dried on wooden racks.

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他把上衣挂在木钉上。He hung his coat on the wooden peg.

它必须画在一只木盒子上。I must be painted on a wooden case.

暹粒木房子中餐厅旁。Wooden House restaurant, Siem Reap.