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白雅琳筹划了一个在宜家的五小时游玩计划。Bai mapped out a five-hour outing.

这些山脉已在地图上标出来了。These mountains have been mapped out.

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你拟定出最好的工作流程了吗?Have you mapped out your best workflow?

事实上您没有在本类中映射任何东西。Nothing is actually mapped in this class.

指向被映射函数入口点的指针Pointer to the mapped function entry point

委员会订出长远规划。The committee mapped out a long-term plan.

这些流程都被模式化和映射到服务之中。These processes are modeled and mapped to services.

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您只能隐匿具有对应父代的项目。You can only cloak the items that have a mapped parent.

一个多对多关联被映射到一个单独的表A many-to-many association is mapped to a distinct table

编写模板被影射到演示模板。Authoring templates are mapped to presentation templates.

接下来,必须将高速缓存监控器映射到虚拟主机。Next, the cache monitor must be mapped to a virtual host.

柯南为自己的自我完善定了一份合理计划。Conan mapped out a practical scheme for his self-improvement.

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每一个记录类型都需要映射到一个单独的工作项类型。Each record type has to be mapped to a unique work item type.

每个域角色可以被映射到一个或多个社区角色。Each domain role can be mapped to one or more community roles.

美洲有些山脉还没有在地图上标出来。Some of the mountains in America have not yet been mapped out.

有一个一英里课程映射在学校的后院了。There's a one-mile course mapped out in the school's backyard.

您将四个源属性映射到了一个目标属性。You have four source attributes mapped to one target attribute.

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至少必须将一个字段映射为一个有效通信器字段。At least one field must be mapped to a valid communicator field.

但是教育真的可以被那样一板一眼地筹划吗?But can education ever be mapped out in such prescriptive terms?

约翰具有创造力的头脑策划出了这个不可思议的科幻小说电脑游戏。John's inventive mind mapped out this magical Sci-fi computer game.