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我不乱骂。I don't cuss.

别说我坏话。Don't cuss me!

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你是否经常咒骂?Do you cuss often?

他是个笨手笨脚的家伙。He's an awkward old cuss.

永远不要在公共场所放屁,打嗝或者骂人。Never fart, burp, or cuss in public.

我当初为什么没听律师的话?Why the cuss didn't I listen to my lawyer?

你知道我们今天应该讨论这个问题。You know that we ought to dis cuss it to day.

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让他们一起看电影,又打架骂脏话了。They shared movies, more fights, more cuss words.

我责备自己,告诉自己我是多么的愚蠢。I'd cuss myself out and tell myself how stupid I was.

当然,我也喜欢当地坏话,但那是经皱了眉女朋友。Of course, I could cuss like a local, but that was frowned upon by the girlfriend.

让他们一起吃饭,结果变成食物大战,继续骂脏话。They shared meals, they turned--which turned into food fights and more cuss words.

所以如果我说我的方案并非事事多坏话,我和你可以称我为月球。So if my package is not everything I say and more you can call me and cuss me to the moon.

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最后,讨论了冰川作用与海平面升降事件的可能联系。At last, author dis cuss the relationship probable of glacial action and sea lever raising-falling event.

老鹰队自豪于自己的生活严谨,不说脏话,尊重他人。The Eagles prided themselves on being clean living, not using cuss words and treating each other with respect.

我在花园里发现一枚旧币,然后我把它拿给一位专家估价,可是她说这东西毫无价值。I fond an old coin in the garden and took it to an expert for valuation, but he said it wasn't worth a tinker's cuss.

有些女人学会了满嘴粗口、参加赌博,甚至和当地年轻姑娘们约会,这样就和其他人打成一片了。Several women attempted to blend in by learning to cuss like sailors, taking up gambling, or even dating local young ladies.

一群群孩子跟在他身后听他用不堪入耳的话责骂黑人,而黑人则随着铁镐的上下起落有节奏地哼着劳动号子。The little boys would follow in groups to hear him cuss the riggers , and the riggers singing in time to the rise and fall of picks.

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母亲用手就能修好厨房水槽——父亲用了很多工具,说了很多咒骂的话,费了很长时间之后也没修好。A mother is someone who can repair the kitchen sink with only her hands—after Daddy has spent a lot of time trying with tools and plenty of cuss words.

在纷繁浩渺的大千世界里,忧愁像一种魔咒,使人禅絮沾泥。In the boundless universe of insignificant of grand of numerous and complicated, sadness resembles cuss of a kind of demon, make person buddhist garrulous touchs mud.

作者从詈骂语的词源出发,对"横强盗"、"强徒"、"毛丫头"以及"行子"等詈骂语进行说明,从而对它们进行新的分类。He had made specific Illustration about "rude robber", "scoundrel", "brat" and "cuss" from the perspective of swearing language etymology, and then explained them in a new classification.