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未发生肠瘘,无死亡病例。No postoperative intestine fistula and death occurred.

患者术后均未出现低钙血症。Did not occur in patients with postoperative hypocalcemia.

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宫颈锥切术主要的并发症是术后出血。Postoperative hemorrhage was main side effect for conization.

其中2例死于肌无力危象,13例生存。There were 2 postoperative deaths in crisis and 13 survivals.

一切正常,并没有什么手术后的并发症。All were normal and no postoperative complications were found.

患者满意度,生活质量,和术后疼痛。Patient Satisfaction, Quality of Life, and Postoperative Pain.

术后关节吻合度被分为四个等级。Postoperative joint congruency was classified into four grades.

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结果本组病例术后未发生肠瘘,无死亡病例。Results No postoperative intestinal fistula or no death occurred.

术后补充放疗不提高局部控制率。Postoperative radiotherapy can not improve the local-control rate.

手术后嘱患者2个月内戴半刚性的颈托。A postoperative semirigid cervical collar was prescribed for 2 months.

全部术眼术后炎性反应轻微,瞳孔圆。All the patients had very mild postoperative reaction and round pupil.

曲马多用于术后PCIA静脉镇痛是可行的。Tramadol PCIA is safe and acceptable for relief of postoperative pain.

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并发症主要是角膜水肿及虹膜炎。The main postoperative complications included corneal edema and iritis.

术后病人恢复良好,追踪三个月而无任何并发症。The postoperative course remained uneventful at three months follow-up.

术后病理证实均为分泌期子宫内膜。Postoperative pathology verifies that secretes the membrane in an uterus.

附件炎的发生往往在分娩后或在施行人工流产术后。Adnexitis happen often after delivery or execute abortion in postoperative.

准确的截骨量和术后早期锻炼是手术成功的关键。Precise osteotomy and early postoperative exercises are the key to success.

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患者报告的痛苦和术后并发症也录得。Patient-reported pain and postoperative complications were recorded as well.

结果手术时间、术后恢复情况比较,TVH明显优于TAH。Results TVH is better than TAH on operation-time and postoperative recovery.

人工椎体的应用能进一步缩短患者卧床时间。The application of the vertebral body can reduce the postoperative bed-rest.