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我们现在鞠躬并且乞求你!We now bow and beseech you!

我乞求你宽恕我。I beseech you to forgive me.

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求你不要叫我受苦。I beseech thee, torment me not.

留下来,我的小忒阿杜勒,我求你。Remain, my little Theodule, I beseech you.

我们恳求你来和我们一起吃晚饭。We beseech thee to come eat dinner with us.

所以我求你们效法我。Wherefore I beseech you, be ye followers of me.

无论这些团体我恳求你-觉悟的时候了!To both of these groups I beseech you — wake up!

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我求你,准我向百姓讲话。And I beseech thee, suffer me to speak to the people.

虽然如此,但求你不要让明天的忧虑来摸着我。But I beseech You let not the worry of tomorrow touch me.

求求你,先生,我们不要再自欺欺人了。Let us not, I beseech you, sir, deceive ourselves longer.

于是摩西哀求耶和华说,神阿,求你医治她。And Moses cried unto the LORD, saying, Heal her now, O God, I beseech thee.

说,难道耶和华单与摩西说话,不也与我们说话吗,这话耶和华听见了。And Moses cried unto the LORD, saying, Heal her now, O God, I beseech thee.

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我恳求你和我一起当海盗,安妮勃尼女王会教你的。Anne Bonney will teach you Yes, let me beseech you To come be a pirate with me.

“玛吉卡,”我恳求地说,“快告诉我,他说了些什么,让我共同分享一切。”"Maggie card, " I beseech said, "tell me, what he said, let me share everything.

我求求你,让我变得像他们一样吧,他们的日子好似繁花。Let me be as they are, I beseech thee, for their days are as the days of flowers.

我劝友阿爹和循都基,要在主里同心。I beseech Euodias, and beseech Syntyche, that they be of the same mind in the Lord.

洗巴说,我叩拜我主我王,愿我在你眼前蒙恩。And Ziba said, I humbly beseech thee that I may find grace in thy sight, my lord, O king.

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耶和华阿,求你悦纳我口中的赞美为供物,又将你的典章教训我。Accept, I beseech thee, the freewill offerings of my mouth, O LORD, and teach me thy judgments.

求你使我做一个才生的婴孩那样无依无靠的仰望你!I beseech you to let me be like a new-born baby looking to You without anything else to lean on.

我们与神同工的,也劝你们,不可徒受他的恩典。We then, as workers together with him, beseech you also that ye receive not the grace of God in vain.