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我从我窗口看见您的车子走过。I see your cabriolet pass my window.

发动机功率多少做了敞篷车的需求?。How much engine power does a cabriolet need?

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依您估价车和马值多少钱呢?At what value do you estimate your horse and cabriolet?

不,她看见驾驶室-保时捷911卡雷拉敞篷车。No, she saw the Cab – the Porsche 911 Carrera Cabriolet.

箱子是黑漆的,车身则是黄漆。This coffer was painted black, and the cabriolet yellow.

该a3级敞篷车的特点,一个轻型软顶可开9秒。The A3 Cabriolet features a lightweight soft-top that can be opened in 9 seconds.

马和轻便马车藏在一所小破屋的后面,那是莫雷尔常常等待瓦朗蒂娜的地方。The horse and cabriolet were concealed behind a small ruin , where morrel had often waited.

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这款新的小型敞篷车将在标致位于西班牙马德里的工厂组装。The new small cabriolet will be assembled at Peugeot's manufacturing plant in Madrid, Spain.

这个特殊的概念车是一种新采取的最漂亮的汽车,敞篷车的。This exceptional concept car is a new take on the most beautiful of vehicles, the cabriolet.

该瑞特默敞篷车在1983年发起,低需求看到了仅仅两年后停止生产。The Ritmo Cabriolet was launched in 1983 but low demand saw production end after just two years.

一个新的A4敞篷版于2002年推出,以取代老化的奥迪80为基础的模式。A new cabriolet version of the A4 was introduced in 2002 to replace the ageing Audi 80-based model.

这个著名的称号授予了敞篷车委员会的23位来自12个国家的汽车记者投票了。This prestigious title was awarded by a Cabriolet Committee made up of 23 motoring journalists from 12 different countries.

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按照这一决定,他们把轿跑车敞篷车进入厂房注意到有四个不同层次的权力。In keeping with this decision they turned the coupe cabriolet into a powerhouse of note with four different levels of power.

这是首次兑换轴承四个议席,奥迪,汽车制造商,创造了很久之后,奥迪敞篷车。It is the first convertible bearing four seats that Audi, the automobile manufacturer, has created long after the Audi Cabriolet.

它看起来更引人注目的,是比高尔夫敞篷车便宜,但不符合大众标准的质量或能力方面。It looked striking and was better cheaper than a Golf Cabriolet but not up to Volkswagen standards in terms of quality or ability.

看上去像一个渐进的后裔,原1964年车型年901卡雷拉敞篷车是纯粹的保时捷通过和通过。Looking like an evolutionary descendant of the original 1964 model year 901, the Carrera Cabriolet is pure Porsche through and through.

五分钟之后,安德烈就全身化装妥当,离开了旅馆,叫了一辆双轮马车,吩咐车夫驶往洛基旅馆。Five minutes after , andrea left the hotel , completely disguised , took a cabriolet , and ordered the driver to take him to the cheval rouge , at picpus.

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与硬顶版本,烧结敞篷车将失去的鸥翼式车门的安排,显而易见的原因,取而代之的是更传统的条目以及单反样供电软顶。Unlike the hard-top version, the SLS Cabriolet will lose the gullwing door arrangement for obvious reason, replaced by a more traditional entry as well as an SLR-like powered soft-top.