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这就是为什么我是一个多元主义者。That's why I'm a pluralist.

唐诗作为一种丰富和独特的文学题材,源于丰富和多元的唐代日常生活。These poems originated in the rich and pluralist day to day life of the Tang Dynasty.

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达尔的多元主义民主通过多元因子的协同作用,使民主的影像越来越清晰。Dale's pluralist democracy with plural factors makes the image of democracy clearer and clearer.

达尔的多元主义民主理论是西方民主政治理论的重要组成部分。Dahl's theory of pluralist democracy is an important part of Western theories of democratic politics.

第二,他们将为个人自由提供真正的保护,并为多党制政体提供保障。Second, they would give real protection to individual freedoms and provide guarantees for a pluralist political system.

因此,感恩节大餐确实应该是火鸡配香蒜酱,本地产的平庸和勇气配上多元的探索。So the Thanksgiving meal should really be turkey with pesto—homegrown vanity and courage served with a pluralist topping.

唯心主义通常都与唯物主义想对立,与二元论或多元论相反,两者皆属于一元论。Idealism is often contrasted with materialism, both belonging to the class of monist as opposed to dualist or pluralist ontologies.

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多元回归分析结果表明,个人的年龄、受教育程度、职业性质、对工作的满意度、社会流动经历以及家庭婚姻状况对女性性别意识产生显著的影响。Pluralist analysis shows that the age , education level , the job nature and marital status etc. have a remarkable impact on female's sex consciousness.

但一旦这些占领者离开,伊拉克人能够建立并呵护一个稳定的、联邦制的、多元主义的民主制度的机会肯定仍少于一半。But once the occupiers have left, the chances that the Iraqis will entrench and cherish a stable, federal, pluralist democracy must still be rated at less than even.

然而,由于权力分散,美国非常好地满足了应有多个权力中心的多元主义民主政治的黄金标准。Because of the decentralization of power, however, the United States admirably fulfills the gold standard of pluralist democracy, which assumes multiple centers of power.

美国模式的民主政府,即多元民主政体,与基于多数原则的民主政体相比有许多优点,并且反映了美国开国先辈的建国理想。The American model of democratic government, pluralist democracy, has a number of advantages over the majoritarian model, and these reflect the Founders’ vision for America.

本周,基于多元民主、社会公平和国家独立的平台,一度被残酷镇压的进步伊斯兰党派复兴党赢得突尼斯大选。The once savagely repressed progressive Islamist party An-Nahda won the Tunisian elections this week on a platform of pluralist democracy, social justice and national independence.

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通过把季莫申科关进监狱,亚努科维奇仅仅画了一条线,将混乱和腐败隔离起来。但多元化国家正在形成,乌克兰是从普京式盗贼统治而来。By locking up Ms Tymoshenko, Mr Yanukovych has crossed a line separating the chaotic and corrupt but pluralist country that Ukraine was from the Putin-style kleptocracy it is becoming.

联邦制、分权、两院制及选举制都促成美国的政治权力分散,为多元民主政体服务。Federalism, separation of powers, bicameralism, and the electoral system all contribute to the decentralization of power in the United States, which serves the model of pluralist democracy.

美国的政治游戏是在民主程序、宪政、资本主义以及多数原则、多元论和精英统治等语境下进行的。The play of politics in the United States takes place in the context of democratic procedures, constitutionalism, and capitalism, and involves elements of majority, pluralist , and elite rule.