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阿齐姆对加州并不陌生。Amir is no stranger to California.

我最终才弄清楚那说的是一个名叫阿米尔·可汗的家伙。Well it turns out that it was a guy named Amir Khan.

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没有比盗窃更十恶不赦的事情了,阿米尔。There is no more heinous than stealing things, and Amir.

伊朗主教练阿米尔“扎莱诺伊说自己球队拥有极强的适应能力,这才是关键。Iran coach Amir Ghalenoei said his team's superior fitness was the key.

我真的也很喜欢阿里扎,乔治希尔也是,阿米尔约翰逊是个真的不错的角色球员。I really like Ariza as well. George Hill too. Amir Johnson is a really nice one.

而真正的赎罪是从罪恶感中走向良善。And that, I believe, is what true redemption is, Amir jan, when guilt leads to good.

“阿米尔。汗正站在创造历史的中途,可他还没意识到迈过我这道坎有多难!”巴雷拉补充道。" If Amir can't take care of Barrera he might have to go out and get a job, " said Roach.

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他的儿子,现任的埃米尔哈马德本哈利法阿勒萨尼,1995年推翻了一场政变。His son, the current Amir HAMAD bin Khalifa al-Thani, overthrew him in a bloodless coup in 1995.

阿米尔先生说,考虑到针对卡察夫先生“粗暴的”判定,他对法庭的判决并不感到意外。Mr. Amir said that he was not surprised by the sentence in light of the “harsh” verdict against Mr. Katsav.

2006年12月在德黑兰阿尔米卡比尔大学示威游期间,有人扔鞋攻击内贾德。A shoe was thrown at him during a students' demonstration at Tehran's Amir Kabir university in December 2006.

我最先了解的是撒马尔罕,了解了埃米尔•帖木儿的妻子比比哈姆的传说。First I learned about Samarqand, when have known about the history of legend wife of Amir Temur, Bibi Khanum.

穆罕默德阿米尔蛙的和平研究所说,北约部队也来到该地区,以协助阿富汗士兵。Muhammad Amir Rana of the Institute of Peace said NATO troops also came to the area to assist Afghan soldiers.

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由美联社作家拉希姆。费兹和阿米尔沙阿在喀布尔和坎大哈努尔汗作以上报道。Associated Press writers Rahim Faiez and Amir Shah in Kabul and Noor Khan in Kandahar contributed to this report.

伊朗的主教练艾米尔·加勒诺伊说在他的球队在开始的时候没有核心,这让中国队在上半场控制了比赛。Iran coach Amir Ghalenoei said his team's lack of focus in the early stages had allowed China to dominate the first half.

在角落,阿米尔安静地坐著,没有人知道他对杜拜的想法,大家只知道杜拜让他失去一只眼睛,也让他从此再也无法言语。In the corner, Amir sits silently. No one knows how he feels about Dubai, where he lost one eye, and the ability to speak.

以色列军方说,从加沙地带发射的火箭弹击中了国防部长阿米尔。佩雷兹住宅所在的居民区。The Israeli army says rockets fired from the Gaza Strip hit a residential area of Defense Minister Amir Peretz's home town.

更为搞笑的一幕发生在3分钟后,埃米尔横传禁区中路,赵鹏解围时将球踢在斯科特身上反弹入网。More funny scene took place in 3 minutes, Amir cross Road Closed Area, Zhao Peng rescue when the ball rebounded onto Scott network.

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艾哈迈迪内贾德是星期一在德黑兰为四个被命名为晨曦、观察、征服者和阿米尔.卡比尔-1号的卫星揭幕仪式上作出上述表示的。Mr. Ahmadinejad's comments came Monday at the unveiling ceremony in Tehran for four new satellites named Fajr, Rasad, Zafar and Amir Kabir-1.

穆罕默德·阿杰马勒·埃米尔·卡萨博承认自己是巴基斯坦伊斯兰虔诚军的成员之一,该组织是南亚最强大的好战团体。Muhammad Ajmal Amir Kasab admitted to being a member of the Pakistani Islamist group Lashkar-e-Taiba, one of the most powerful militant groups in South Asia.

巴基斯坦政治人士和记者阿亚兹·阿米尔表示,巴基斯坦和国外媒体对巴基斯坦军方的不断指责和攻击正在对巴军方造成损害。Pakistani politician and journalist Ayaz Amir says the now-constant attacks in both the Pakistani and foreign media are taking their toll on the armed forces.