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他和简曾有过不正当关系。He had an illicit association with Jane.

我得把你当非法物品走私进去。I'd have to smuggle you in as illicit goods.

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酒的私卖是被禁止的。The illicit sale of liquor should be banned.

土地依旧被不正当的杀戮所玷污。The land is also defiled by illicit homicide.

吃肉,使用麻醉品,赌博和非法性行为。Engaging in Gambling and Illicit Sexual activity.

作为一个摩门教徒,我违规的好奇心总是围绕着性。As a Mormon, my one illicit curiosity had always been sex.

他开设那家废旧汽车行只是为了掩护毒品的非法买卖。His used-car firm was just a screen for illicit drug trading.

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最近一些措施的目的是为了迅速扭转局面。Some recent measures are meant to illicit a rapid turnaround.

你的朋友在伤害其他人或做违法的事。Your friend is harming someone else or doing something illicit.

如何在合法物流中发现非法物流,是巨大的挑战。Finding the illicit flows within the licit is quite a challenge.

据说那个法官与一个电影明星私通。The judge is said to have an illicit love affair with a film star.

酒、烟、违禁毒品在怀孕期间都是被禁止的。Alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs are off-limits during pregnancy.

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奥斯库罗曾以教堂为掩护,从事违法活动。Oscuro had been using the church as a front for illicit activities.

他们靠犯罪和非法手段养活自己。They commit crimes and turn to illicit means to provide for themselves.

非法使用电视信号不仅对娱乐业造成了不良影响。Illicit use of TV signals is not only bad for the entertainment industry.

今天是国际禁毒日。Today is the international day against drug abuse and illicit trafficing.

今天是国际禁毒日。Today is the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking.

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直到有一天,她撞见男友与别的女人私会。Until one day, she meets by chance male friend and other woman illicit to meet.

所以那些支持基层政府设立驻京办的言论有可能是非法的。So any favour the lower-level offices might try to curry is likely to be illicit.

最初两年我们觉得这种关系很不正当,于是我提出了分手。The first two years together felt very illicit and then I ended the relationship.