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有资金流走迹象。There were signs of capital outflow.

我们观看了汹涌奔出的潮水。We watched the heavy outflow of the tide.

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接着,有一条鳗鱼在试图通过滤网器出口逃跑时死了。Then one died trying to escape via the filter outflow.

另一种方法是通过降低流出量来增加积存量。Another way to increase a stock is to reduce the outflow.

一个环可以通过挤压血管使血液不再流出。A ring restricts outflow somewhat by compressing this vein.

动脉瘤A在两个流出道均会形成涡流。There were two vortexes in both outflow tracts of aneurysm A.

新兴市场股市出现了其有史以来第三大资金流出量。Emerging-market equities saw their third-largest outflow ever.

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横流对通道下游孔内流场影响较大。The cross-flow influence the flow field of downstream outflow.

C0是一笔投资,因此现金是流出的。In other words, C0 is aninvestment and therefore a cash outflow.

在这些之外还有太阳风——由日冕而来的气体流。Beyond that is the solar wind, an outflow of gas from the corona.

明显的层次表明流溢的间歇和开始。The distinct rungs suggest the outflow occurs in fits and starts.

其最常见的起源部位是心室流出道。The most common original site of IVT is ventricular outflow tract.

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最新的资本流出数据显示美元跌势还没有到头。The latest capital outflow suggests the dollar has further to fall.

引起房水外流减少的原因有下列几种。The outflow of aqueous humor can be decreased by several mechanisms.

入流和出流都是重连所必需的。Both of the inflow and the outflow were necessary for the reconnection.

一般在作第二步,想象成功的画面时,自然就会到第三步。This can be a natural outflow of the visualization process in step two.

发展中国家对外直接投资流出量呈逐年上升的趋势。The outflow of FDI from developing countries is increasing year by year.

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在其他条件不变时,与单元内其他位置的气膜孔相比肋后气膜孔出流量较大。The outflow rate of the film bleed hole is the largest at the back of a rib.

在清点仓库存货时发现了一笔去向不明的货物流出。The warehouse stock take brought to light an unaccountable outflow of goods.

但不管你怎么看,这个流出并没有沉淀在新兴股票市场里。But whichever way you look at it, that outflow hasn't tanked emerging market stocks.