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众星拱月。A myriad of stars surround the moon.

描绘出顺义万千气象。Portraying myriad pictures for Shunyi.

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各种色彩的款式应有尽有。Designs are avaliable in a myriad of colours.

巨数公司和犹他大学上诉了。Myriad and the University of Utah have appealed.

远处有无数盏灯像星星一样闪烁。A myriad of lights twinkled like stars in the distance.

总之金水桥的狮子真是变化万千。In short the myriad of change of the lion is jinshui bridge.

这篇文章使我感触良多,使我明白了很多道理。This article makes me a myriad of, make me understand a lot.

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就这一句话便包含着无数截然相反的意念。Encompassed in that one sentence is a myriad of opposed ideas.

大多数城市都有很多游行和节日活动。Most cities are the home to a myriad of parades and festivals.

任何无数的其他具体领域的和商业的过程Any of a myriad of other domain-specific and business processes

俯瞰,浪无数急急忙忙逐,伸颈回眸走。Below, a myriad myriad waves hastening, lifting up their necks.

万壑松风天鼓吹,四围花月锦帘栊。Myriad pines days advocate, spent months Kam curtain round cage.

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但微波段的超材料可能具有各种实际用途。But metamaterials for microwaves could have myriad practical uses.

花样繁多的中国功夫绝对是这个国家最为亮眼的民族名片之一。One of China's most famous exports is the myriad forms of kung fu.

小规模型需求积压最明显的优势是,它们多的不计其数。The obvious advantages of a small requirements backlog are myriad.

这只是无数可能的概率分布的一种。This is just one of a myriad of possible probability distributions.

金黄色的酒液带着铜色的闪光,还有大量精致的小气泡。A golden yellow with intense copper flashes. Myriad of fine bubbles.

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双手悬空书桌,十指难落键盘,一心面对,众多选择。With fingers poised over the keyboard, I'm faced with myriad options.

在这风潮的背后是满是政府干预的影子。Behind the transformation are myriad forms of government intervention.

我尝试着使用基本用语,但是受到各种方言的困扰。My attempt to use basic phrases was stymied by the myriad of dialects.