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不必了,戴先生。No, Mr. Taylor.

我该是丹泰勒中尉。I was Lieutenant Dan Taylor.

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幸会幸会,泰勒先生。Nice to meet you, Mr Taylor.

保罗泰勒是一位编舞家。Paul Taylor is a choreographer.

泰勒于今年三月去世,终年79岁Taylor died in March at age 79.

我们是否应该了解泰勒级数?Do we have to know Taylor series?

这样你可以对它泰勒展开。So then you can Taylor expand it.

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可是,对于泰勒·摩森就另当别论了。But Taylor Momsen is not one of them.

1808年,泰勒加入了美国军队。Taylor joined the U. S. Army in 1808.

朱哈妮由考特尼·泰勒配音。Juhani was voiced by Courtenay Taylor.

林克说泰勒就是完美的例证。Link said Taylor was a perfect example.

还-泰勒和塞莱娜构成的球迷。Also – Taylor and Selena pose with fans.

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泰勒朝游击手击出一滚地球。Taylor hit a ground ball to the shortstop.

泰勒却已经得过两次奥斯卡奖。Taylor however had already won two Oscars.

上图是1956年泰勒在海边沙滩上的一张照片。Here, Taylor is shown at the beach in 1956.

泰勒先生同周先生在街上见到面。Mrs. Taylor and Mr. Zhou meet on the street.

建筑师是泰勒·哈德维克。Taylor Hardwick was the architect of record.

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泰勒先生一生经历了许多灾难。Mr. Taylor suffered many mishaps in his life.

肯·贾德和约翰·泰勒,非常感谢两位。John Taylor and Ken Judd, thank you very much.

说,可以通过泰勒规则来得到答案。You can run the Taylor rule to get the answer.