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我们休息一下,一个钟后再继续。Let's recess and return in an hour.

就在这时下课休息的铃声突然响了。Just then the bell rings for recess.

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现在,只要是休息时间,他们都在一起玩。Now they all play together at recess.

学生们在课间休息时玩抓人游戏。The students played tag during recess.

这张写字台正好可以放进那个壁凹内。The desk will fit nicely in that recess.

法院休庭一个半小时。Court is in recess for an hour-and-a half.

国会在闭会期间。Parliamentis prorogue for the summer recess.

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国会在假期期间正休会中。Congress is in recess for the holiday season.

因暑假议会休会。Parliament be prorogue for the summer recess.

因暑假议会休会。Parliament is prorogue for the summer recess.

为什么下课铃提前20分钟就响了?Why did the recess bell ring 20 minutes early?

会期内的惯例休会被哈珀拖成了会期间休会。Mr Harper turned a customary recess into prorogation.

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有一天,在课间休息的时候,他把我叫到他的办公室。One day he called me into his room during the recess.

所述卡装部为卡台或凹槽。The clamping part is a clamping platform or a recess.

早晨的清新空气透进了山洞。The fresh air of the morning had penetrated the recess.

詹姆士喜欢在休息的时候与同学闲谈。James likes chatting with his classmates during recess.

结果人体存在胆囊三角隐窝。Results Gallbladder of human body has triangular recess.

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法官宣布暂时休庭一下来决定Michael的服刑期。The judge calls a recess to determine Michael’s sentence.

会议主席宣布休会10分钟。The chairman of the meeting announced a ten-minute recess.

本文对浅油腔动静压轴承进行了优化设计。Optimum design of hybrid bearing with shallow recess is presented.