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你对我很重要。You matter to me.

你对我很重要。You matter to me.

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鲍勃怎么啦?What`s the matter Bob?

我把那件事给忘了。I've forgot the matter.

不,但是这有关系吗?No, but does it matter?

这件事不宜迟。This matter asks haste.

不论在何处都是如此。No matter where you are.

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解析为什么重要?Why does parsing matter?

莫提此事。Don't mention the matter.

昰一件很可怕旳亊情。Is a very fearful matter.

昰一件狠可怕徳事情。Is av ery fearful matter.

他冷得直打哆嗦,其实我也是。So am I, for that matter.

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那件事情完结了。There the matter dropped.

这件事是保密的。This matter is hush-hush.

这件事要谨慎保密的。This matter is hush-hush.

无论如何都要爱他们。Love them, no matter what.

这件事冷下来了。The matter has cooled off.

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实际情况是我明天就要去北京。A. as a matter of fact adv.

没有取笑的理由。It's no matter for jesting.

这是个见仁见智的问题。This is a matter of debate.