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我就没资格唠叨。I'm not qualified to gab.

你完全有资格一试。You’re obviously qualified.

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我认为他不够格。I do not think he is qualified.

他教英语是合格的。He is qualified to teach English.

他刚取得律师资格。He has just qualified as a lawyer.

他不配做一名教师。He is not qualified to be a teacher.

她完全胜任这个工作。She is quite qualified for the work.

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智利队以B组第二的成绩出线。Chile qualified as second in Group B.

但我想我能任这项工作。But I think I'm qualified for the job.

当时抽检的24个批次全部合格。When sampling of 24 batch all qualified.

我需要一个合格的官方报价为PDF。I need a qualified official offer as PDF.

真是称职的警卫员。My two bunnies were really qualified guard.

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项目因此不符合条件入选投资会。Project is therefore not qualified for HAF.

韩国队以B组第二的成绩出线。South Korea qualified as second in Group B.

我们队已有资格进入准决赛。Our team has qualified for the semi ? final.

可是为什么我还是不能好好得笑出来呢…But why still can't I give a qualified smile?

连接线质量好,而且有不同的尺寸。D. Itss s qualified cable and different sizes.

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合格的工作人员现在大有人在。Qualified staff are two-a-penny at the moment.

服务合同必须与合格的托运人签订。Service Contract must be with qualified shier.

让同事通知有资格的急救者。Ask colleagues to inform qualified first aider.