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他们有过几次秘密会谈。They had several surreptitious conversations.

而盘面,分明就是明修栈道,暗渡陈仓。The disk, clearly is repairing the surreptitious.

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这可以是秘密发起收购的一种方式。This can be a surreptitious method of mounting a takeover bid.

他又把她的饼干抓走四块,还偷偷向她瞄了一眼。He gave her a surreptitious look as he took four more of her cookies.

她又①把②他的糖③抓走四块,还偷偷向他瞄了一眼。She gave him a surreptitious look as she ③took ②four more of his sweets.

正是因为这样她才开始沉迷于颇为神秘的基督教仪式。And so it was that she began to indulge in surreptitious Christian practices.

数据收集工作是在极其秘密细致地。Collection of data is done in an extremely surreptitious and meticulous manner.

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荣荣的摄影作品传达了这些地下行为活动的戏剧性和神秘性。Rong Rong's photographs convey the drama and mystery of these surreptitious performances.

虚报注册资本罪与虚假出资罪、抽逃出资罪尽管有一定的相似之处,但其区别又是十分明显的。It is similar with the crime of making a false capital contribution and surreptitious withdrawing the contributed capital.

商会认为所有这些民间组织在主要工会的暗中支持下沆瀣一气。The Chamber believed all these grass-roots organizations were working in concert with the surreptitious backing of major unions.

这款手持两用粉盒的镜子上隐藏着密码,好让女特工在补妆的时候也能偷偷瞄上一眼。A female agent could powder her nose while sneaking a surreptitious peak at code hidden in the mirror of this handy dual-use compact.

为了观察被试当时的真实感受,研究者已经在他们写这些简短描述之前和之后秘密地对他们进行了测量。To see how they were feeling in the moment, participants were given surreptitious measures both before and after writing these short descriptions.

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爱情的产生,或许就是因为这些因素左右了思想,记忆让感觉错了位,思考让人的行为诡秘。Production of love, because of these factor about thought perhaps, memory is it feel location by mistake to let, think that lets people's behavior surreptitious.

假设我是通过其他鬼鬼祟祟的方式发现的——看他的日志或是书信,虽然这些我都不可能实现,我对他了解甚少——这一切就都不一样了。If I had discovered it through surreptitious means—reading his journals or letters, which I couldn’t possibly have done, knowing him as little as I did—it would have been different.

这款由中情局技术储备办公室开发的“时装系列”间谍设备让特工们在开怀畅饮声色犬马之时,依然能够拍照录音。This "couture" outfit from the Office of Technical Readiness allowed spies to munch on canapes and dance a waltz while still snapping surreptitious pics and recording cocktail chatter.

在武器供应合同签署的初期,以色列可能会争辩说许多西方国家,包括美国曾与南非种族隔离政权有类似的秘密关系。In the early days of the arms supply pact, Israel could argue that many Western countries, including the United States, had similar surreptitious relationships with the apartheid regime.

就是利用这一丁点儿的时间,我养成了浏览报纸的习惯,这很快就成了我鬼鬼祟祟,近乎迷信地查看讣告的老规矩。Given the tidbit of time at my disposal, I developed the habit of skimming the paper, which quickly came down to a surreptitious and almost superstitious ritual of checking out obituaries.

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这家公司将录像交给了白宫官员,并要求在基地组织公布此份录像之前不能公开录像存在的消息,以便保护公司获取录像的秘密渠道的安全。S. officials on the condition that they not reveal its existence until after al-Qaida released it, thereby protecting the integrity of the surreptitious means through which the company got the tape.