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要做好项目的拆迁安置工作。Resettlement project to do the work.

最后,破屋还是动迁了。Finally, broken houses or resettlement.

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徙亢泥部落于平城。Resettlement Kang Mud tribes in Pingcheng.

是鸟也,海运则将徙于南冥。Is a bird, shipping will be resettlement in the southern Ming.

在这样的破坏之后重新定居中的许多问题常常由此产生。After such destruction many problems in resettlement often arise.

我国水库移民事业仍然面临着巨大的挑战。Reservoir resettlement is still facing grimness challenges in our country.

制砂设备颚式破碎机安置过细事变。System sand blasting equipment jaw crusher resettlement interloper incident.

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但是,他说难民署希望其他国家也可以提供重新安置的地方。But, he says the UNHCR hopes other countries will offer places of resettlement.

表达了中安置地所开发的每一项项目都是精彩的一笔。Expression of developed land in resettlement projects are each a wonderful stroke.

这是首批,最终将移民345000人。This is the first phase of a resettlement that will ultimately displace 345,000 people

对原有的贝克曼温度计“标尺读数法”进行了改进,并对新方法作了图解说明。A visual approach for rapid resettlement of Beckmann thermometer was given in this paper.

产权清晰、无权利负担的安置用房证明。The certificate of resettlement houses with clear property ownership and free of encumbrances.

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莫利.肖特说,像她负责的这类服务组织,近几年来由于联邦预算的减低,都深受其害。She adds that resettlement services have been severely hurt by federal budget cuts in recent years.

东兰德,等待重新安置的寮屋居民围着篝火取暖。Squatters awaiting resettlement ward off winter's chill around a bonfire in their camp in East Rand.

招商之路艰难,孙浩然提出一个大胆的想法——动迁。The way that enrols business is hard, sun Hao offers a bold think of a way like that -- resettlement.

第四章主要阐述了各流入地对百济遗民的安置政策。Chapter IV focuses primarily on the inflow of Baekje drifting people against the resettlement policies.

他说,因此选择重新被安置的候选人需经过一个非常严格的筛选过程。Therefore, he says potential candidates for resettlement go through a very rigorous process of selection.

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地震当天,餐馆房屋出现隐患,周伟便把设备搬到了灾区群众安置点。After the earthquake that endangered his eatery, Zhou moved all the culinary tools to a resettlement area.

介绍平班水电站库区移民安置实施工作特点。This paper introduces the characteristics on resettlement for reservoir area of Pingban Hydropower Station.

征收耕地的安置补助费,按照需要安置的农业人口数计算。The resettlement fee shall be calculated according to the number of agricultural population to be resettled.