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肺是呼吸器官。The lungs are respiratory organs.

保持五个呼息。Maintain the five respiratory rate.

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其中的比率例如是呼吸商。The ratio is a respiratory quotient, for instance.

体弱儿,呼吸道反复感染者。Frail infants, repeated respiratory tract infection.

我是英国的呼吸科医生,觉得这篇文章很有意思。Interesting for me as a UK respiratory physician too.

呼吸性细支气管末端有括约肌。The end of the respiratory bronchiole has a sphincter.

听诊右肺呼吸音弱。The auscultation right lung respiratory murmur is weak.

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剖检可见呼吸系统有严重感染。At necropsy the respiratory system is severely affected.

它的名字是中东呼吸系统冠状病毒。Its name, the Middle East Respiratory System Coronavirus.

这是由于呼吸肌严重无力所致。This is due to respiratory muscle weakness due to severe.

慢性咳嗽是儿童呼吸系统常见的症状。Chronic cough is a common respiratory symptom in children.

呼吸道给肺输送富氧的空气。The respiratory tract conveys oxygen-rich air to the lungs.

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但是小男孩的病情恶化,呼吸停止死亡。But the boy grew sicker. Respiratory arrest set in, and he died.

呼吸器官有炎症时,影响更为明显。Respiratory organs have inflammation, the effect is more obvious.

病毒在你的呼吸道细胞内繁殖That virus is reproducing inside cells of your respiratory tract.

肝脏是解毒器官,鳃是呼吸器官。The liver is the detoxification organs are the respiratory gills.

FCA的唯一预测因素是近期的上呼吸道感染。The only predictor of FCA was recent upper respiratory infection.

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结果无呼吸、循环衰竭或死亡病例。Results Neither respiratory or cardiac failure nor death occurred.

突发性低氧症,定义是呼吸困难,发绀,或呼吸停止。Acute hypoxia, defined as dyspnea, cyanosis, or respiratory arrest.

亨德拉病毒可能导致致命的呼吸道和神经系统疾病。Hendra virus can cause fatal respiratory and neurological diseases.