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你需要有急迫感!You need a sense of urgency.

玛贾克的声音明显透露出紧迫感。There's urgency in his voice.

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我们必须紧急行动起来。We must move forward with urgency.

一些国家明白事情的迫切性。Some countries understand the urgency.

理解情况的轻重缓急。Understand the urgency of the situation.

我们必须刻不容缓地履行诺言。We must deliver with a sense of urgency.

当然,紧促之下,焦虑生焉。And, of course, with urgency comes anxiety.

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您需要帮助他们确定这种紧迫性。You may need to help to define this urgency.

今天又会是一个充满紧张与急迫感的一天。It will be another day of tension and urgency.

我们必须迅速就这一紧急状况作出反应。We must act swiftly to respond to the urgency.

我没有让他们意识到需要和解的急迫性。I wasn't creating any urgency for them to heal.

登革热是你们议程上的一个紧迫事项。Dengue is on your agenda as a matter of urgency.

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你甚至可以开发一种紧急的感觉去生活。You can even develop a sense of urgency to live.

中国政府肯定不会暗示这有任何的急迫性.Beijing certainly gave no hint of feeling any urgency.

有种想急切踏入社会的欲望。Into a kind of urgency to the desire of the community.

每个人对人生的急迫性都有不同看法。Everybody has a different sense of urgency in this life.

她的声音因急迫而异常尖锐,打破了黑暗。Her voice was shrill with urgency and rioted in the dark.

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这增加了重大政策行动的紧急性。This increases the urgency for significant policy action.

对此我们必须要有这种紧迫感。We need to have this sort of sense of urgency around this.

我欣赏这种紧迫的感觉因为我自己就能体会到。I appreciate the sense of urgency because I feel it myself.