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它们可以指向内部或外部。They can point internally or externally.

这药是用于外敷的。This medicine is to be applied externally.

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在AS3联合国点击外部加载的图像?Externally loaded images in AS3 un-clickable?

变阻器和电阻器安装在外面。The varistor and the resistor are mounted externally.

社区可能出现在内部和外部。Communities can happen both internally and externally.

审核可在外部或在内部执行。Audits may be performed either externally or internally.

气质是内外兼修的美丽。Temperament is the work internally and externally beautiful.

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腹神经线外被以腹膜。The ventral nerve cord is covered externally by a peritoneum.

这一作用从外表上看来像电容器的放电现象。This action externally appears like the discharge of a capacitor.

内外兼修,捷成向行业龙头迈进。Internally and externally to the industry leading into the Jebsen.

在阴蒂包皮下外表可见到的正是阴蒂头。Externally visible under this foreskin is the glans of the clitoris.

所以我们必须改变我们在国内和国外从事商业经营的方式。And so we have to change how we do business internally and externally.

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该层可以包含任意系列的外部获得的范例模型。This layer can contain any set of externally acquired exemplar models.

结论昆明山海棠霜外用具有止痒作用且比较安全。Conclusion THH has antipruritic effect and is safe when used externally.

关闭分析仪电源并且关闭外气路样品气。Put the power off on the analyzer and shut off externally the sample flow.

我们可以在外部通过防晒霜保护皮肤不受紫外线伤害。We can protect skin from ultraviolet light externally by using a sunblock.

臀部向内收,就能自然的使用到大脚趾的内侧边缘了。Externally rotate your hip, allowing you to use your big toe's inside edge.

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臀部向内转动,就能自然的使用到大脚趾的内侧边缘了。Externally rotate your hip, allowing you to use your big toe’s inside edge.

修外还是修内,是艺术家自身的一个趋向问题。Whether cultivate internally or externally is trend questions of an artist.

木托盘装,外扎四道铁箍,包装完好。Packed on Wooden Pallet Bound with Four Iron Belts Externally and Packing Sound.