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布鲁克海文国家实验室Brookhaven National Laboratory

由实验室分包合同。Sub-Contracting by Laboratory.

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实验室中脱胶后的丝蛋白。Degummed silk in the laboratory.

目前,我在实验室工作。Currently, I work in a laboratory.

我猜他们应该称之为实验室。Or I guess they would say laboratory.

6只小鼠在实验室作了交配。Six mice were bred in the laboratory.

它是在实验室进行的一项实验吗?Is it an experiment in the laboratory?

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实验室里必须保持井井有条。A laboratory must be kept in good order.

烹调西餐就像在实验室里做实验一样。I think it is like a testing laboratory.

那幢新建的房子是的实验室。The newly-built house is our laboratory.

那幢新建的房子是我们的实验室。The newly-built house is our laboratory.

那个奴隶离开了实验室。The slave marched out of the laboratory.

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他一天到晚呆在实验室不出来。He stays in his laboratory day and night.

实验室不得大声喧哗和嘻闹。No shouting or playing in the laboratory.

欢迎光临中兴大学昆虫分类研究室!Welcome to Laboratory of Insect Taxonomy!

在面极建了一个实验室。A laboratory was set up at the South Pole.

扎实的医学检验科知识。Profound knowledge in laboratory medicine.

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成立超声波电子焊接实验室。Set up ultrasonic wire bonding laboratory.

火星科学实验室将在2010年落成。The Mars Science Laboratory lands in 2010.

这个实验室设备齐全。The equipment of the laboratory is complete.