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为未来的快乐做展垫。Lay the groundwork for some future fun.

这实际上成了万hm2间接基础。This actually became the groundwork for HM2 indirectly.

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另外一些行动已为未来取得进展奠定了基础。Some have laid the groundwork for progress in the future.

这就给第三幕埋下了伏笔。This will lay the practical groundwork for the third act.

我们今天也为长期的繁荣奠定了基础。We laid the groundwork today for long-term prosperity, as well.

对夹套材料的弹性、塑性性能进行研究,为有限元分析打下基础。And it is the groundwork of later jacket structure finite element analysis.

创造一个场景或事件为潜台词打好基础。Create a scene or an event that sets the groundwork for subtextual meaning.

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现在您已经铺好了地基,以下是接下来的步骤Now that you have the groundwork laid out, the following are the next steps

这样一来,为了能在实验室里顺利开展实验,柳波默斯基只好先开展一些基础性工作。So Lyubomirsky had to lay some groundwork before she could go into the lab.

本篇文章作为第一篇,为读者打好基础,同时对轻量级开发做出定义。This first article sets the groundwork and defines lightweight development.

各国部长已经在为即将举行的会谈奠定基础。APEC ministers already have begun laying the groundwork for those discussions.

我希望通过本文可以为将来的模板创建工作打下基础。It is my hope this lays the groundwork for future template creation endeavors.

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为进一步开展长效FSH类似物的应用研究奠定了基础。This study lay the groundwork for the application of long-acting FSH agonists.

建构理论、迁移规律等教学理论可以作为“双基”教学的理论基础。Found structure theory and transfer rule can be the groundwork of "Two Basics".

但具体到长期政策方面,他现在是白手起家,未来将会面临更大的问题。But on the long-term stuff, he is laying the groundwork for bigger future problems.

除了发明尼龙以外,他还为合成橡胶的发明奠定了基础。In addition to first developing nylon, also helped lay the groundwork for Neoprene.

这些建议和计划将为新的战略伙伴关系铺垫基础。These suggestions and plans will lay the groundwork for a new strategic partnership.

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土壤磁性数据将是生物磁学农业应用的基础。The soil magnetism data is the groundwork of biomagnetism application in agriculture.

然而,博士后可以在此期间打下经济基础。Postdocs can, however, lay the groundwork for financial prosperity during those years.

多种不饱和脂肪酸的存在,为冬瓜子油的开发利用奠定了物质基础。The results are a reliable groundwork for reasonable exploitation of waxgourd seed oil.