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风吹树叶簌簌响。The leaves are rustling in the wind.

沙沙的丝绸声静了下来。The sound of rustling silk is stilled.

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他听见纸堆中有老鼠沙沙作响。He heard a mouse rustling among his papers.

我们萧萧的树叶都有声响回答那风和雨。We, the rustling leaves, have a voice that.

那屋子里面,正在窸窸窣窣的响,接着便是一通咳嗽。A rustling was heard, and then more coughing.

如果渠道是自由的,您将听见沙沙响。You will hear rustling if the channel is free.

我听见有人在我的办公室里沙沙地翻动文件。I heard someone rustling the papers in my office.

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他们撞见他在他们的场院里偷牛。They caught him rustling cattle in their farmyard.

在瑟瑟的秋风里,又增添了一抹新绿。In the rustling autumn wind, and added the opportunity.

春天没有言语,只有渐飒和低吟。Spring has no speech, nothing but rustling of and whispering.

只有瑟瑟秋风,心已碎,肠断伤心地。Only the rustling autumn wind, the heart is broken, sadly pain.

潇潇的秋雨深重,瑟瑟的秋风中透着丝丝凉意。Drizzly rain heavy, rustling autumn wind appearing in the coolness.

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这时一阵脚步声传来,踩在落叶上发出沙沙声。Then there comes the sound of footfalls rustling the fallen leaves.

音乐会时我后面有个人老把报纸弄得沙沙响。Somebody behind me was rustling his newspaper all through the concert.

唯一能听到的是风吹过草原时发出的沙沙声。The only thing you could hear was the wind rustling through the grass.

那青杨树又细又嫩,在一片娑娑声中摇曳。The little poplars were slim and tender, and swayed rustling in the wind.

一如这瑟瑟秋风,吹过,一切都不留下,唯有这萧瑟的秋景。As the rustling autumn wind, blowing, nothing left, only the bleak autumn.

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对大部分人来说,偷牛是一种在老电影里才会发生的犯罪行为。To most people, cattle rustling is a crime that happens only in old movies.

艾丽莎醒来了,因为她头上响起一阵天鹅的拍翅声。Eliza was awakened by the rustling of the swans' wings as they soared above.

不一会儿,他听到树枝发出沙沙声,紧跟着,一个金苹果掉在他手中。But he heard a rustling in the branches, and a golden apple fell into his hand.