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自动调节甚高频接收器现在普遍应用于汽车。Auto-tuning VHF receivers are now common in cars.

通讯联系用无线电甚高频16频道。Communication links with the radio on VHF channel 16.

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甚高频自动公共通信业务-是最好的系统吗?VHF Automatic Public Correspondence Services Which System is Best?

介绍了一种新型的超短波宽带双鞭天线。A novel VHF broadband twin-whip antenna is introduced in this paper.

我可以证实,俄罗斯使用下面的甚高频下行频率。I can confirm that Russia uses the following VHF downlink frequencies.

该无线电系统还可扩展频率范围,提供低频段甚高频。The radio also has an extended range that provides access to low-band VHF.

当按下话音按钮开关时,VHF仍工作于接听状态。When pushing button in handset, the VHF still works in receiving function.

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引航强制,通讯联系用无线电甚高频16、14、9和12频道。Compulsory pilotage, VHF radio communication links 16,14,9 and 12 channels.

在甚高频上呼叫上海台,请求香港医院的医辽援助。Request medical assistance from Hongkou hospital, calling for shanghai radio on VHF.

太空护栏将取代目前建于1961年的甚高频空军空间监测系统。Space Fence will replace the current VHF Air Force Space Surveillance System built in 1961.

GMDSS英语听说课程直接涉及到海上VHF通信的有效性。And listening and speaking for GMDSS directly involves the effectiveness of VHF communication.

提出了一种特殊米波雷达体制下的多目标检测方法。In this paper, a detection method for multiple targets is presented in a special VHF radar system.

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它们为两个12伏的电池充电,这两个电池连接到高频电台、GPS和导航灯。The panels charge two 12-volt batteries, which connect to the VHF radio, GPS and navigation lights.

主要是这仅仅是高频和超高频爱好者谁,必须十分关注这些物业的价值。Mostly it is only the VHF and UHF aficionado who has to be greatly concerned about these properties.

“我告诉年轻人,”海伦克利夫顿说,“当你看到一只白灵熊,不许打开甚高频电台广播搞得所有人都知道。"I tell the younger people, " says Helen Clifton, "when you see a spirit bear, don't get on the VHF and broadcast it.

除了2频道之外,原来位于频道调节器甚高频段的其余频道序号,通常只是3到13间的奇数。Apart from channel two, the rest of the original VHF channels on the dial were usually just the odd numbers from three to 13.

一小时后引航员在驾驶台命令在指定位置抛锚。引航员和大副之间通信是对讲机。After one hour the pilot on the bridge to order anchoring at destination Communication means between pilot and chief is portable VHF.

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针对这一难题本文提出一种基于高度分集的两波束米波雷达测高方法。For such a problem, an effective method based on altitude diversity to measure the height using VHF radar is presented in this paper.

适用于直流和VHF级信号的隔直流、旁路、祸合以及滤波、降噪、低脉冲电路。Suitable for blocking , by-pass and coupling of DC and signals to VHF range. Widely used in filter , noise suppression and low pulse Circuits.

床身等关键件的回火、震动时效、超音频淬火等热处理工艺,使机床精度更稳定,使用寿命更长。Bed key pieces of temper, vibration aging, such as VHF hardening heat treatment process, so that a more stable machine tool accuracy and last longer.