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请注意。Now notice this.

注意格式。Notice the format.

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尼-你注意到了吗?Did yuh-you notice?

他们会注意到什么?What do they notice?

我们注意到什么?And what do we notice?

这招女性也适用哦。And women also notice.

但是请注意刚才我的步骤。But notice what I did.

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他把布告揭了下来。He tore down the notice.

注意他的手帕。Notice the handkerchief.

这次搜索的区间。Notice the printout here.

所以请注意这里的说法。So notice what this says.

树熊不理会。The koala took no notice.

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通知被人撕下来。The notice was torn down.

没有批判的关注。Notice without critiquing.

注意下我的表示方法So notice what I did here.

所以需要注意你可以做什么。So notice what you can do.

那么我们首先会注意到什么呢?So what do we notice first?

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不过,好像没什么人注意。But no one seemed to notice.

你注意到他当时人在哪里吗?Did you notice where he was?

你注意到空袭的紧急警报了吗?。Do you notice the red alert?