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黛博拉对海洋有份狂热。Debra has a passion for the ocean.

戴伯拉是一个过分小心的司机。Debra is an overly careful driver.

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戴伯拉已经知道修理的秘诀。Debra has the know-how to fix the problem.

到了圣诞节的时际,黛布拉开始梦想着所有的礼物。At Xmas time, Debra began to dream of all the presents.

雷蒙德和黛布拉仅希望这些人能在进门前偶尔先敲敲门。Ray and Debra just wish someone would knock once in a while.

戴柏拉和尤金正在评论报纸上的一篇文章。Debra and Eugene are commenting on an article in the newspaper.

露西亚购物时碰上了老朋友黛布拉。Lucia was shopping when she suddenly bumped into her old friend Debra.

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戴博拉跃下床来,从我身边跑过,下了客厅到我们婴儿的房间。Debra leaped out of bed, running past me down the hall to our baby's room.

第一作者德布拉菲斯切说这颗行星在某些方面类似于土星。Lead author Debra Fischer says the planet may resemble Saturn in some ways.

“这些人都是他的机务人员,”他的妹妹,黛博拉•伯林盖姆指着周边的名字说道。“These are all his crew, ” his sister, Debra Burlingame, said, pointing to the surrounding names.

通过她的友谊和悉心的帮助,这位姊妹把底波拉交在神的慈爱、智慧、长久的照应下。Through friendship and detailed assistance, she commended Debra to the loving, wise, long-term care of God.

“这从来不会影响到凯西或者是她所做出的牺牲,”黛布拉·迪尔斯汀说,她是麦克的护士中的一个。"It was never about Kathy or the sacrifices she was making, " says Debra Dearstyne, one of Michael's nurses.

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底波拉说,在她的天路历程中,她常常花整小时在我们的老教堂里静默祷告,祈求从神而来的力量。Debra said that along her journey to God, she often spent an hour at a time sitting quietly in our old sanctuary praying for strength.

这本圣经是由小学老师黛布拉·科特在为学生寻找旧洗礼记录时发现的,当时她认为这只是一本旧书。Debra Court found it while searching for old baptism records to show her students, but she thought it was just an old book. That was two years ago.

实际上,国家印刷环保中心捷克布称呼她''绿色印刷业之母‘’。As a matter of fact, Debra Jacobson of the Printer's National Environmental Assistance Center has called her the “mother of the green printing movement.

温斯坦说,这次逮捕是“非常糟糕的情况”,女演员德博拉·温格说,瑞士批准这次逮捕行动,是卷入了一场“俗套的阴谋”当中。Weinstein said the arrest was a "terrible situation". Actress Debra Winger said the Swiss had been involved in "Philistine collusion" in allowing the arrest.

“很多时候,求职者并没有意识到做研究工作的重要性,”求职简历写手和认证职业师黛布拉安-马修斯说。Many times, job seekers don't realize the importance in conducting research, " says Debra Ann Matthews, professional résumé writer and certified career coach."

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我们试图去打破这一观点,即大学只是你通往事业道路上的一个中转站。"We're trying to break the idea that college is just something to get through on your way to a career, " said Debra Satz, associate dean for Humanities and Arts.

但旧金山州立大学的德布拉菲斯切说,日益精密的技术扩大了找到类地行星的机会。But Debra Fischer, of San Francisco State University, says the growing sophistication of the technique increases the chances of finding planets more like our own.

哥伦比亚医疗中心的一位遗传学者黛布拉J.沃尔格木斯正在老鼠身上测试另一种可抑制维生素A酸而无需戒酒的药物。Debra J. Wolgemuth, a geneticist at the Columbia University Medical Center, is testing in mice another drug that inhibits retinoic acid without alcohol interactions.