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谁组织的讨论会?Who organizes the Colloquium?

学术讨论会有三个目标。The colloquium had three goals.

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学术讨论会的总体目标是什么?What were the overall goals of the colloquium?

什么是国际人权讨论会?What is the International Human Rights Colloquium?

我希望可以写一本基于这个研讨会的书。I am hoping to write a book based on the colloquium.

这个学术研讨会有任何杂志或出版物吗?Will there be publications or other output from this colloquium ?

欧洲历史研讨课基本是对欧洲思想文化史的一个概览,由希沙姆.沙拉比教授讲授。The European history colloquium was essentially a survey of European intellectual history.

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去年10月我在荷兰海牙联合主持了一个关于劳动关系的研讨会。Last October, I co-chaired a colloquium on labour relations at the Hague, in the Netherlands.

亚琛汽车工业年会是欧洲最富盛名的汽车及发动机技术会议。The Aachen Colloquium is Europe's most visited conference on Automobile and Engine Technology.

会议关注与在关于锻炼、营养、卫生和健康方面的研究。This colloquium focuses on various research aspects on exercise, nutrition, health and wellness.

然而,在讨论会有在一些亚洲人和欧洲的叁加者之中的二不合。However, there were two disagreements among some Asian and European participants at the colloquium.

上周她组织了一个布宜诺斯艾利斯讨论会,会议旨制定将来的研究议程,我也参加了。Last week she organized a Colloquium in Buenos Aires, which I attended, to map out future research agendas.

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我选修了两门特别有意思的课,一门是国际法研讨,一门是欧洲历史研讨。I took two particularly interesting courses, an international law seminar and a European history colloquium.

上个周末他在位于罗德岛的布朗大学主持了阿奇比专题讨论会,这也是他目前就职的地方。Last weekend he hosted the Achebe Colloquium on Africa at Brown University in Rhode Island, where he is now based.

我非常感谢哈韦尔总统最近在布拉格组织的一次对话式的讨论会。In this context, I am very grateful to President Havel for having organized a colloquium for dialogue recently here in Prague.

以政治学的思维深刻地分析了布依族议榔制度的功能,及其当代的价值。This thesis also analyzes the function of Bu Yi people's system on colloquium beside betel nut palms and it's contemporary value.

上周系里咖啡时间的讨论会上,几个学生跟教员讨论了我们的博士课程。Last week at the department colloquium coffee hour, several students engaged the faculty in a discussion about our Ph. D. program.

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主持本座谈会的学者先后有赵铁寒、宋晞和王德毅,以宋晞教授主持二十六年多为时最久。The Colloquium has been presided over by Chao Tih-han, Sung shee, and Wang Teh-yi, it is Sung Shee who served the longest for 26 years.

周日,温总理在国务委员陈至立地陪同下与几百名北京师范大学的老师和同学们进行座谈。Wen, accompanied by State Councilor Chen Zhili, attended a colloquium on Sunday with hundreds of students and faculties of the university.

眼下我正在起草一份演讲稿,用以参加由迈克.卡罗尔主持的,在美国大学华盛顿法学院举行的网络法学术会议。I’m presenting a draft of the chapter at a cyberlaw colloquium at American University – Washington School of Law organized by Michael Carroll.