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此时对生命的延伸应该是超越了繁殖。In this case, prolongation of life should trump reproduction.

既然这样,延长寿命就要重于繁衍后代。In this case, prolongation of life should trump reproduction.

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恶露持续时间延长的原因是多方面的。Prolongation of the duration of lochia resulted from complex factors.

可持续消费是可持续发展的延伸与深化。Likely lasting consumption is prolongation and deepening of likely lasting development.

服用丙咪嗪和左氧氟沙星可以引起更大的QT间期延长。Taken with imipramine, levofloxacin can lead to even greater prolongation of the QT interval.

试验研究为轮盘定寿、延寿提供了试验依据。Test research provided experimental basis for useful life assessment and prolongation of disk.

目的观察甘油丁哌卡因溶液连续硬膜外注射延长局麻作用时间的效果。Objective To observe the glycerin Bupivacaine mixture for the prolongation of epidural analgesia.

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随着复位时间的延长,隐睾组织的病理损害有恢复的趋势。It is to lighten that pathological damage of testes of cryptorchidism with prolongation of reset time.

利用拓扑分析方法给出延伸集与延伸极限集的等价定义及它们是连通的条件。The equivalent definitions of the first prolongation and the prolongational set of a set are discussed.

但随着花序处理时间的延长,小孢子产胚率有下降的趋势。However, the embryoid yield trended to decline with the prolongation of pretreatment time of inflorescences.

自然延伸原则是沿海国对大陆架的权利基础之一。The principle of natural prolongation is one of the entitlements of the coastal states to continental shelf.

血小板进行性下降、PT延长、3P阳性是创伤DIC诊断的重要指标。The continuous reduction of Plt, prolongation of PT and positive of 3P are important to the diagnosis of DIC.

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混合质粒注射的小鼠抗弓形虫感染的存活时间延长。Challenge of the mice vaccinated with combined plasmids with RH tachyzoites resulted in a prolongation survival.

氟代喹诺酮和大环内酯抗菌剂都与QT间期的延长有关。Fluoroquinolones and macrolide antimicrobial agents have both been associated with prolongation of the QT interval.

脑出血组和脑梗死组QT离散度较对照组显著延长。Incidences of QTd prolongation in the two groups were significantly higher when compared with normal control group.

目的探讨胸腺内注射异基因抗原在延长移植皮片存活期中的作用。Objective to study the effects of intrathymic injection of allogenic antigen on prolongation survival of skin grafts.

水力压裂过程中,缝内流体的流动特征对裂缝的延伸和形态具有很大的影响。During the process, the flow character within the fracture greatly influenced on the fracture prolongation and shapes.

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服用丙咪嗪和左氧氟沙星可以引起更大的QT间期延长。Therefore, fluoxetine is able to increase the plasma concentrations of imipramine , leading to QT interval prolongation.

海港法庭对他这次过失,判决延长拘禁期三年,一共是八年。The maritime tribunal condemned him, for this crime, to a prolongation of his term for three years, which made eight years.

组细胞随培养时间的延长细胞呈多层生长,不发生接触抑制现象。The cells in the Group A grew with many layers along with the prolongation of the culture time without contacted inhibition.