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圣母院前的广场。Piazza in front of Notre-Dame.

大教堂广场,宏伟!Galleria in Piazza Duomo, Milan.

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广场上的喷泉。Piazza Venezia, Full of painter.

加利福尼亚位于大广场的南边。California is just south of the Piazza.

抵达市中心广场有点另人难以置信。Arriving in Piazza del Duomo was something incredible.

中心广场上有各种各样的城雕。There are all kinds of sculptures placed in the central piazza.

这个巨大的公共广场是整个开发区存在的理由。The large public piazza is the raison d'etre of the development.

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圣诞节期间,身着红衣的圣诞老人在维多利亚广场进行“圣诞巡查”。Men in red walk the Santa beat at Christmastime in Piazza Vittoria.

出租车——四轮的那种,常出现在罗马广场。Taxis—the regular four-wheeled variety—do operate from Rome Piazza.

您能不能告诉我们可以在那儿看一看波波罗广场!Can you tell us where we can obtain a sight of the piazza Del. Popolo?

但自20世纪80年代以来,这个广场每年都要被洪水淹没40多次以上。But since the 1980s, the piazza has been underwater more than 40 times per year.

街头艺人上周五在罗马市中心的那佛纳广场表演。"Living Statue" street artists perform in Piazza Navona in central Rome last Friday.

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今天是小镇柯顿的赶集日,广场上像有聚会似的,每个人都到场了。It's market day in Cortona, the piazza is an ongonging party and everyone is invited.

9月29日,大同煤炭技师学院在院内广场举办国庆文艺晚会。September 29, Tatung Institute of Coal technicians in the hospitals Piazza reception.

我穿过但丁路直接前往米兰最著名的大教堂广场。I travelled down the Via Dante towards the most famous area within Milan – the Piazza del Duomo.

有大家喜欢的里戈莱托,或者叫做圈舞,于雾蒙蒙的蓝天下「在广场上」跳了起来。There was the favourite rigoletto, or round dance, footed "in piazza" under the blue frosty sky.

在罗马的可隆纳广场,一位义大利计程车司机在警察旁边拿著旗帜。An Italian taxi driver carries a flag near police officers at Piazza Colonna in Rome July 5, 2006.

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我注意到一件事,Piazza上大多数突出的课程都是硬科学的。One thing I did notice about Piazza is that most of the highlighted courses are in the hard sciences.

离开了波波洛广场,我们又再次来到了梵蒂冈,因为昨天梵蒂冈的博物馆并没有开。After we left Piazza Popolo, again we came to Vatican, because the Musei del Vaticano was closed yesterday.

邓肯蓝祖尔荷兰骑跨淹没圣马可广场在威尼斯,2008年12月2日滑水。Duncan Zuur of the Netherlands rides a wakeboard across flooded Piazza San Marco in Venice, December 2, 2008.