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贝托是WBC次中量级拳王。Berto is the WBC welterweight titleholder.

每个人得一条空缺的金腰带。Everyone else in the welterweight division won a vacant belt.

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库托也得艰苦训练以使体重回到次中量级标准。Cotto also has to train very hard to make the welterweight limit.

维尔德称赞克里的辩论技巧,说他有“次重量级拳击手的速度”。Kerry's debate skills, saying he has "the speed of a welterweight".

从1980年到1982,他都是世界拳击理事会的超羽量级拳王。From 1980 to 1982, he was the World Boxing Council's junior welterweight champion.

在次中量级,大部分拳迷最想看的是帕奎奥和弗洛伊德梅威瑟之间的拳赛。The only fight at welterweight that most fans want to see is Pacquiao against Floyd Mayweather.

对于吃豆人和库托在协议体重的“次中量级”比赛,你有何想法?What do you think about the "welterweight" fight between Pacman and Cotto being at a catch weight?

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同样,和哈顿的超轻量级比赛之前,帕奎奥才138磅。Likewise before the Hatton bout, and this time he came in at 138 pounds for the junior welterweight title bout.

“曼尼的最佳体重是140磅,”他说,“因为最大型赛事在次中量级,所以我们增加体重。"Manny's best weight is 140 pounds, " he said. "We put on weight because the biggest fights are at welterweight.

以是这使正在处于次中量级的他看起来更加的伤害而且越发秘密。That he happens to reside in the welterweight division makes him all the more dangerous and much more intriguing.

因此,我将2009年次中量级版的莫斯利----排在1999年体重缩水的次中量级版提托之前。I would go with the 2009 welterweight version of Sugar Shane over the weight-drained 1999 welterweight version of Tito.

机器人拳击看起来特别的戒指上的影片,前中量级冠军糖光芒伦纳德顾问正宗的感谢。The robot boxing looks authentic thanks to the special ring advisor on the movie, former welterweight champion Sugar Ray Leonard.

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很少有谁会相信前P4P之王和次中量级冠军,弗洛伊德-小梅威瑟会永久退役。There are few who believe that former pound-for-pound king and welterweight champion Floyd Mayweather Jr. is permanently retired.

人人都知道,相比目前勉勉强强的次中量级梅威瑟,我大大推崇130磅版本的他。And everybody knows that I was A LOT higher on the 130-pound version of Mayweather than the reluctant welterweight we're stuck with today.

你当然会赌梅威瑟赢啦,他可是次中量级打轻量级,他从不打自己处于下风的比赛。Of course you're gonna put your money on Floyd. He's a welterweight fighting a lightweight. He's never taken a fight where he's the underdog.

原先估计M87星系的黑洞质量为太阳的3亿倍,仍然相当于银河系次中量级黑洞的1000倍。Previous estimates of M87's black hole mass registered at some 3 billionsuns, still 1,000 times the size of the Milky Way's welterweight black hole.

原先估计M87星系的黑洞质量为太阳的3亿倍,仍然相当于银河系次中量级黑洞的1000倍。Previous estimates of M87’s black hole mass registered at some 3 billionsuns, still 1,000 times the size of the Milky Way’s welterweight black hole.

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他想和同样金身不败的超次中量级希望之星阿尔弗雷德。安古洛较量,那一定会是场经典之战,本来今年可望实现的。The fight he wants and one that would be a closet classic were it to be made this year is one with another unbeaten super welterweight prospect, Alfredo Angulo.

“小孩”本尼·帕雷特是一名古巴拳击手,于1960年首次获得次重量级拳王称号,但7个月后被埃米尔·格里菲斯击倒,失去了拳王称号。Benny "Kid" Paret was a Cuban boxer who won the welterweight title for the first time in 1960, but lost it seven months later when Emile Griffith knocked him out.

警方说,她不能解释为何这位次中量级拳击手在公寓中被手袋勒死之后她还在巴西北部公寓中逗留了十个小时。They said she hadn't explained how she had stayed in the apartment in northeastern Brazil for ten hours after the former welterweight champion was apparently strangled with a handbag strap.