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我很激动但也很紧张,因为我从来没射击过。I was excited but nervous, never having shot a firearm.

弹药必须使用选手的枪枝来做测试。Ammunition must be tested using the competitor's firearm.

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一位女警视察一处高速公路旁的田野时拖着她的枪。A female cop surveys a field near a highway, her firearm in tow.

他们得到的说达根会得到一把枪的情报得到了确证。Their intelligence that Duggan would obtain a firearm proved correct.

一般不建议在比赛的过程中重新收枪入枪套。Re-holstering the firearm during the course of fire is not recommended.

“在这个公园里携带枪支是非法的,”护林员回答道。" Possession of a firearm is illegal in the park, " the ranger replied.

警方则称,达根当时带着一把装有弹药的武器。Police say he was carrying a loaded firearm at the time of his shooting.

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有人被枪击中,我们能追踪到子弹和使用的武器。When someone is shot with a weapon, the bullet and firearm can be traced.

信息钮扣有唯一的标识码,从而保证了枪支的唯一性。Information button is adopted with one identification ID to identify the firearm.

警方说,昨晚他们查获了一把与此案有关联的上了膛的抢。Detectives said last night they had recovered a loaded firearm connected to the crime.

如果选手在比赛中将枪枝收回枪套,应适用下列条件。If a competitor holsters a firearm during the course of fire, the following will apply.

他们使用的竞争者也许输入任何五分部的当中一个根据火器样式。Competitors may enter any one of five Divisions depending on the style of firearm they use.

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目的探讨颅脑火器伤患者的治疗效果。Objective To review the outcome of treatment in patients with craniocerebral firearm wound.

法医弹道学这门技术可以用来确定案件中,是否涉及使用了某种武器。This technique is used to determine whether a certain firearm or tool was used in the crime.

他称至少有一位顾客忍不住再次打量了一下他的枪,但咖啡师们并未做出偷看的举动。He says the firearm drew a double-take from at least one customer, but not a peep from the baristas.

同时,枪击这一幕又是发生在公共场所,在一间医院里。The fact is that it is a firearm and live ammunition in a public place and in particular a hospital.

目的探讨带蒂组织瓣修复火器伤的临床效果。Objective To study the clinical result of treating firearm wound with the vessel pedicel tissue flap.

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目的探讨高原胸部火器伤早期G蛋白变化及其意义。Objective To study the changes of G-protein expression on chest firearm trauma at high altitude in dogs.

时间花费金额为重创冷却效果,阻碍了你的枪支是至关重要的。The amount of time it takes for the knifing cooldown effect and holding back up your firearm is crucial.

去年,所有授权持枪警察的办案开枪总数只有两次。Last year, the total number of times a firearm was discharged by all the AFOs in the service was just two.