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也许他头上有角。Maybe he's horny.

其三是角线。It is horny line thirdly.

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老园丁有一双粗糙的手。The old gardener had horny hands.

角状的“层”组织即“角质层”。Stratum corneum means "horny layer".

所以她的全名是'同志就是馋性'。Therefore her full name is Gay R Horny.

那个兄弟会里的成员都是好色之徒。All the guys in that fraternity are horny.

她通过不速之客突出的外衣知道了他的身份。for she knew the stranger by his horny coat.

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一般说来,如果父母支付学费越多,你会越饥渴。Generally, the more your parents are paying, the more horny you are.

角质层是由无生命活性的角朊细胞构成的。Corneous layer is formed by the horny protein cell of insensate active.

通过在解质层中形成的网状结构来维护皮肤水分。Shapes a network structure on the horny layer to keep skin moisturized.

消除表皮层的蜂窝状组织和粗糙干裂的角质层。Eliminates areolar tissue on cuticular layer and roughness of horny layer.

我挡住和可以看见被欺负正在使他令人难以相信地角。I held off and could see that being teased was making him unbelievably horny.

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被善良小受捡回家的弃犬通常会变身为饥渴帅小攻。Abandoned dogs often turn into handsome and horny men after being taken in by kind boys.

与人类中的一些败类一样,雄性水黾也会以“肮脏”的手段完成交配。Looks like horny humans aren't the onlyones capable of playing dirty for a little nookie.

用爽肤水再次洁净残留在毛孔中的面膜及寥落的角质。Five. Use refreshing skin water again clean residues in the pores of the mask and lonely horny.

其主要成分包括蓝莲花、左旋精氨酸、淫羊藿、达米阿那叶、秘鲁人参根。Premium ingredients include Blue Lotus, L-Arginine, Horny Goat Weed, Damania Leaf and Maca Root.

留着大胡子、面色黝黑的水手用粗硬的大手使劲搂着自己的舞伴。Bearded sailors with brown faces and large horny hands clasped their partners in a tight embrace.

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热水、肥皂和搓澡巾会使角质层脱落,让我们的皮肤暴露在外。Hot water, soap and abrasive surfaces strip off the horny layer, exposing living cells to the elements.

其主要成分包括奇特的蓝莲花、左旋精氨酸、淫羊藿、达米阿那叶、秘鲁人参根。Premium ingredients include exotic Blue Lotus, L-Arginine, Horny Goat weed, Damania Leaf and Maca Root.

有效软化角质层,稳定细胞间脂质,提升护肤品的渗透效果。Effectively softens the horny layer and stabilizes the lipide among cells. Formulated to absorb quickly.