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直接涂片检查。Direct smear examination.

他怕这次考试。He dreads the examination.

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你考试及格了吗?Did you pass the examination?

应考的人很多。Many sat for the examination.

他考试不及格。He flunked in his examination.

我体育考试不及格。I've failed the PE examination.

考试临近了。The examination is near at hand.

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他好容易才通过了考试。He barely passed the examination.

什么是司法考试?What is the judicial examination?

期中考是什麽时候?When is the mid-term examination?

就读学校成绩表。Current school examination result.

期末考是用囗试。The final examination is vivavoce.

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你能通过这次考试吗?Can you go through this examination?

他勉强通过了上次考试。He skinned through last examination.

他正在临时准备考试。He was boning up for an examination.

她的要求经得起仔细检查。Her claim can bear close examination.

你的检查彻底。The thoroughness of your examination.

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每一场考试都是人生的契机。Every examination is a chance in life.

你已经参加过期末考试了吗?Have you taken your final examination?

他侥幸通过了口语考试。He lucked out on the oral examination.