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他们在生命中经历过死亡,并且领受了公义。There's been a death take place in their life and an impartation of righteousness.

在这个时刻,有一种精神创造性的艺术家的艺术灌输。At this creative moment there is a spiritual impartation from the artist to the Art.

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课堂讲课一般由意向、传授、信息感受与反应组成。Lectures are commonly composed of intention, impartation , information awareness and response.

以授受为主的教学观仍然居于大学教学活动的首位。The notion of teaching with impartation -acceptance as its main method holds the primary place of university teaching activity.

本文从文化与语言的关系谈起,说明文化输入在语言教学中的重要性。This paper begins with the relationship between language and culture to show the great importance of cultural impartation in FLT.

随着我国钢铁工业的发展,国内市场对铁矿石的需求高速增长,自2003年起我国已成为铁矿石进口量第一大的国家。With development of China's steel industry and boost demand for iron ore, China has become the most country for iron ore impartation since 2003.

长期以来,以传授语言知识为主的传统教学法一直占居主导地位。The traditional English teaching method which mainly focuses on the impartation of language points has been in a dominant position for many years.

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从授受走向互动与生成,现代大学教学观亟待重构。With the transforming from impartation -acceptance to generation and interaction, the notion of teaching of modern university needed immediate reconstruction.

化学教育不仅要加强化学双基的传授,而且更应重视科学思维方法的培养。In chemical education not only the impartation of double bases of chemistry should be intensified but also more attention should be paid to the development of scientific-thinking way.

从素质教育,到创新教育,再到中学语文教学从传授型教学向创造型教学的转型,这是新的时代的要求。It's the requirement of the new era that quality education develop to innovation education and that the Chinese teaching in middle school transform from impartation mode to creativity one.

作为当今外语教学的主流方法,交际教学法跳出了传授知识、培训技能的误区,注重培养学习者的语言能力。As the present-day main-stream pedagogy, communicative teaching approach focuses on learners′communicative competence nurturing rather than on traditional knowledge impartation and skills′training.