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女孩开始解开编起来的头发。The girl started to unbind her braided hair.

协调器发送一个ZDO解除绑定请求给第一个设备。Send a ZDO Unbind Request to the first device.

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此外,您无法取消绑定属性使用这些技术。Additionally, you cannot unbind properties using these techniques.

你可以尝试手动解除原来的驱动程序在加载你的模块。You can try to manually unbind the original driver before loading your module.

我们需要解除绑定的事件侦听器在指示当角开始破坏?Do we need to unbind event listeners in directives when angular starts to destroy?

然后提交事务,取消绑定持久化上下文并关闭它。It will then commit the transaction, unbind the persistence context, and close it.

尝试此操作前,请从源代码管理取消绑定此解决方案文件。Please unbind the solution file from source control before attempting this operation.

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据报道制造商财政困难,故不惜亏本抛售库存。Manufacturer reported facing financial difficulty and dumping stock product unbind sacrifice.

我们必须开发清洁能源,为新的产业提供动力,摆脱外国石油的束缚,并保护我们的地球。We must develop the clean energy that can power new industry, unbind us from foreign oil, and preserve our planet.

停车时应当摘空挡,松开离合器踏板,这样可以避免增加离合器的负担。Should take off for nothing to block while parking the car, unbind clutch pedal, can avoid raising the scot of cluth so.

服务器端应该按照接收到Unbind的情况进行处理,断开和客户端的连接。The server shall handle the problem according to Unbind conditions it has received, and terminate the connection with the client.

通过使用进程关联性来绑定线程或取消线程的绑定,可帮助您找到难以调试的挂起或死锁的根本原因。Using process affinity settings to bind or unbind threads can help you find the root cause of hangs or deadlocks that are difficult to debug.