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我怒视着这欢乐四人组。I glared at the merry foursome.

他们四人组去看电影。They went to the cinema in a foursome.

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但是这样的四人组看起来应该更好些。But this foursome would be even better.

或许我们可以和他们组成双打。Perhaps we can make a foursome with them.

这样做要成为大狗在您的四人?Do want to be the big dog in your foursome ?

三小时后,我还在等待我们四个人再度碰头呢。Three hours later, I was still waiting for our foursome to come together.

在四人二球的比杆赛上,A是按照正确的顺序打,但他却是在发球区之外打的。In foursome stroke play A plays in correct order but from outside the teeing ground.

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四人正要进餐时,阿舍引见了一个韦恩似不相识的男子。The foursome was to dine together when Asher showed up with a man Wynn did not readily recognize.

在四人安置圣文森特-圣玛丽高中,狭隘的学校设在闹市区的阿克伦。The foursome settled on Saint Vincent-Saint Mary High School, a parochial school in downtown Akron.

在四人二球赛上,A和B是同组球员。A试图击球,但错过了。这时轮到谁打?In a foursome event, A and B are partners. A attempts to strike the ball and misses. Whose turn is it to play?

2004年推出OkCupid之前,这四人先是携手开发了一个网络学术研究工具SparkNotes。The foursome originally teamed up to create SparkNotes, an online academic study tool, before launching OkCupid in 2004.

2006年7月8日,北京地下四人乐队SUBS乐队的主唱抗猫在演唱会中做出的姿势。Beijing-based punk foursome Subs' lead singer Kang Mao gestures during a performance at a concert in Beijing July 8, 2006.

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拜爷看到人力柱四人组后说如果他们派四只蚂蚁做守卫,那他就让四条龙去粉碎他们。Barragan sees the foursome so he say if they have sent the four ants to guard, he will send the four dragons to crush them.

这位阿根廷人在周二晚上光芒四射,完成了可怕的大四喜,将阿森纳淘汰出欧冠四分之一决赛。The Argentinean stole the show on Tuesday night with an awesome foursome to knock Arsenal out of the Champions League at the Quarter-Final stage.

关键的区域肯定是中场,而切尔西的中场恐怖四人组合将占据上风,而罗西基有可能缺席星期天的比赛。The critical area may well be midfield, where form would say that Chelsea's awesome foursome has the edge. Tomas Rosicky may be missing on Sunday.

近年闯入的其他银行和按揭贷款银行现在都因对信贷问题的担忧撤了出去,四大行因此得以增加它们在存贷款市场的份额。Interloping banks and mortgage lenders that invaded in recent years now are pulling out amid the credit woes, leaving the foursome to increase their share of deposits and loans.

当主宾四人白宫共进午餐时,卡米拉人落在后面,离开红地毯,对着蜂拥而上的媒体大军害羞的露齿一笑,并挥了挥手。As the foursome headed inside for an intimate lunch, Camilla briefly lagged behind, straying off the red carpet and showing the jostling media horde a shy grin and a little wave.

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我认为该剧有两个主角比有四个主角时好看,最近几季拉贾书和霍华德的戏份有所增加,这使得剧情变得松散。I think the show was a lot better before the two brainiacs became a foursome. To me, beefing up the roles of Rajesh and Howard over the past few seasons has spread the comedy thinner.

据称,另有一位随身保镖陪伴与这对明星夫妻左右,挡开了尾随的狗仔队,并阻止他们拍照,而这一家四口得以在儿童专区优哉游哉的逛了起来。According to the source, the family was accompanied by a bodyguard, who stopped photographers from following them inside, where the foursome spent time on the children's art supply floor.