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教师拍一会球,停住。Who can bounce the ball ?

会弄脏手的,我不想拍球。I want to bounce the ball.

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什麽是死猫诈尸形态?What is a Dead Cat Bounce?

难道银行跳票了?Did the bank's cheque bounce?

罗那尔多拍篮球。That Er bounce basketball more.

这个派对烂透了。我们走吧。This party sucks! Let's bounce.

我使它弹起,它开始闪烁。I bounce it, it starts blinking.

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那是利比最新的弹性玻璃杯!That's Libby's new Bounce glass!

这个球可以有弹性地弹跳。The ball can bounce elastically.

排球高高地弹起来。The volleyball gave a high bounce.

不必担心――我的支票不会退票的。Don't worry--my check won't bounce.

如果你把它往下抛,它会反弹。If you drop it,it will bounce back.

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网球会弹起来好多次。Tennis balls can bounce many times.

如果你让它落地了,它还是会弹起来。If you drop it, it will bounce back.

你让空气变得寒冷,弹落在我的脚边。You cool the air, bounce by my feet.

鱼在蓝紫中跳了一下。The fish gave a bounce in the basket.

见到九柱游戏用的小柱能反弹多远?。Seeing how far the skittle can bounce?

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究竟是一线希望抑或仅仅是回光返照?GLIMMER of recovery or a dead-cat bounce?

老师拍球,全班学生一起数数,数到。Now let me bounce the ball and please count!

他已经学会了弹跳过海藻群。He had learned how to bounce off a seaweed pod.