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游行路线沿线挤满了人群。Crowds lined the processional route.

成千上万的人站在列队行进路线的两旁。Thousands of people lined the processional mute.

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也有些人认为它为宗教仪式游行所用。Some people also think that it has a processional ritual use.

人们在拂晓的定居点为导师举着圣火和旗幡。People carry the holy fire and processional banners to the Teacher in the dwelling of dawn.

他们最初的表演是排成双行队伍绕着教区游行。Their first exhibition of themselves was in a processional march of two and two round the parish.

尼采认为,过程性组织,是所有真实和生命的基础。Processional organization is according to Nietzsche the fundamental operation of everything that is real and alive.

两个洞,特别是6号洞,都丰富地装饰着从宗教故事到宗教游行场景的事件。Both caves, but particularly cave 6, are richly carved with episodes from religious stories and processional scenes.

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当进场音乐奏起时,所有毕业生须起立,欢迎主礼嘉宾、校董会及其他主要教职员进场。When the processional music begins, all graduates must stand up to welcome the Presiding Group to enter the Auditorium.

可望以相隔10年左右的两个历元的观测测定出岁差常数改正值。It is hopeful to determine the correction of the processional constant by observations made at two epochs of 10yr interval.

游行大军经过国内候机大厅后,聚集在澳航配餐楼旁边的一个公园里。After processional main forces awaits machine hall through home, gather in bay boat to match a park on the side of eat building in.

根据尼采对现实的新解,这些生物间的力量可以被看做,“将意识转化为能量“的力量。According to Nietzsche's new interpretation of reality these processional organizations of force are to be qualified as will-to-power forces.

中午的正式队伍是主要的节目。男士们头戴高顶大礼帽,身穿礼服大衣,女士们也身穿礼服。The midmorning dance is for schoolchildren. The formal noon processional is the main event, with the men in top hats and frock coats, the women in gowns.

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三年前,差不多是这个时候,马马罗内克高中为其高三毕业生举行庆祝仪式,我们的第二个孩子在列队行进音乐中迈进。It was three years ago, nearly to the day. Our middle child was walking through the processional as Mamaroneck High School celebrated its graduating seniors.

路过的车辆被警察护卫着跟在游行人群后面,他们中有一部分通过鸣笛来支持这场游行。Transient car is being convoyed to follow at the back of processional crowd by the police, there is one share in them through crying flute supports this parade.

研究解决策略,应考虑高职院校软件产业“低端人才”培养的实践运作、三段式教学体系结构及多种教学方法的探索。Main research of this paper is the education of Jr. programmer, the framework of teaching system and the multi-teaching method in the higher processional colleges.

9日,张向游行示威的学生表示,一周内用事实答复他们的爱国要求。Chiang resolutely rejected to change the policy of “Suppressing CPC”.On December 9, Zhang told the processional students, he would give reply to their patriotic demands.

问题所引发的连锁反应超出我们的想象。向我们自设的牢笼提出疑问就是推倒周围的大墙,这可以是事业的,人际关系上的,或者是国与国之间的。Questions set off a processional effect that has an impact beyond our imagining. Questioning our limitations is what tears down the walls-in business, in relationships, between countries.

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但是一些疏忽的司机——他们中的一些正在打电话或根本没注意到一条很长的车队正在通过——是这种不礼貌现象上升的主要因素。But inattentive drivers — some of them talking on cell phones or simply not noticing a long line of cars traveling together — are a major factor in what seems like a rise in processional incivility.